During the agricultural society, Wang Yinghai often went out to sell melons and fruits to the team. On one occasion, he and several buddies went to Qingxu to sell watermelons. During the day, a group of people came to eat watermelon without giving money, saying that they would eat it at night. They said, Wang Yinghai, this is a ghost. So several guys discussed, "Let's deal with it tonight." Wang Dao: "How dare you?" A few guys said "dare". Otherwise, it is unreasonable for those people to come again at night, eating and taking. Wang Yinghai pulled a man up with his fist and threw him out. The man who threw him out shouted and overwhelmed him. As soon as the gang saw this posture, they knew that they had met a master and were scared to crawl and run. This is the first time that Wang Yinghai has fought with someone. In the 1970s, Wang Yinghai went to Qin County to buy cattle for the production team, with seven or eight hundred dollars on him. He walked up the mountain road and met four or five people asking for directions. Wang said there was a village ahead, but in fact he didn't know it at all. With his kung fu, more than a dozen people can't get on the body, and he doesn't want to fight with others.
Wang Yinghai is middle-aged, and his family has a heavy burden. He has four pairs of children under his knee, and a dozen people in his family depend on him alone. During the agricultural society, he pushed more than 300 kilograms of peanuts with a trolley and sold them in the city. In his spare time, he will weave some dustpans and baskets at home and then take them to the market to sell. There is no free time all year round. But never gave up the pursuit of psychological boxing.