Si Mazhao, the ruler of Wei Dynasty, named Liu Chan the Duke of Happiness and often held banquets for him. Every time I play music and dance in Shu, the ministers in Shu shed tears, while Liu Chan laughed and danced. Si Mazhao then asked, "Don't you miss your country?" Liu Chan replied, "I am happy here, but I don't want to be comfortable." He is heartless, heartless. Those who surrender without a fight and steal peace are judged by an idiom "Happiness begets sorrow, and you don't think about Shu", so this song "A Dou who can't afford to help" is naturally regarded as the most classic negative textbook for more than 1000 years.
In fact, happiness is Liu Chan's great wisdom. Liu Chan, the last emperor of Shu, can only face the world as a loser. When it comes to forbearing kung fu, it seems that no one can match Liu Chan except Gou Jian.