Flying is filial, and there is no maid at home. Wu Jun in uniform was willing to have sex with him, and his name was left behind. Fei said, "Master, this is a good night!" But it's not. Very admired. Or ask, "When will the world be peaceful?" Fei said, "Civil servants don't love money, military officers don't hesitate to die, and the world is at peace!" Every time the division retreats, the soldiers in the class jump into the ditch and use their armor. If a pawn takes a wisp of hemp from the people to bind grass, he will cut it to show his partiality. He died overnight, and the people opened the door and closed it. No one dared to enter. The bugle sounded, "Don't tear down the house if you freeze to death, and don't rob if you starve to death." The pawn is sick and his parents adjust the medicine. The general must be far away, and the wife must ask for help; The dead cry to raise their orphans. There were prizes, all for the military attache, and Qiu didn't commit any crimes. Get twice the result with half the effort and hit the public. If you do one thing, call all the controls, plan and fight, and you will succeed. The enemy suddenly moved. Therefore, the enemy said, "It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." Zhang Jun tasted the art of using soldiers, and flew up and said, "Benevolence, faithfulness, wisdom, courage, strictness and skill are indispensable." Every time I adjust the rations, I will frown and say, "Southeastern people are exhausted!" A virtuous and polite person is no worse than a Confucian scholar, singing songs and swinging pots. Every time I resign, I will say, "What are the benefits of being a soldier?"
Word translation:
◎ Serve. Make love, make friends, and get each other's joy.
◎ Ning ... What, don't ...? But, shirk, shirk. ◎ Attend class and supervise. Be partial to others.
◎ Sickness, sickness and ailment. ◎ Give up, stay and rest. ◎ Captives, looting. Grant, grant.
◎ Here, reward, reward. ◎ Lots and lots. ◎ All, all, all. Call, summon.
◎ Go wherever you want. Jack, you won. ◎ Suddenly, suddenly. Don't move, don't panic.
◎ regret, shake. ◎ lack, lack, lack. Frown, frown. ◎ Exhaust, exhaust.
◎ clumsy and modest. Resign, politely decline promotion. ◎ He Gonggong's achievements.
Text interpretation
Yue Fei is extremely filial to his parents, and there is no maid at home. Wu Jun has always admired Yue Fei, hoping to make friends with him and dress up famous beauties and give them to him. Yue Fei said: "The emperor is diligent in political affairs all day. He got dressed before dawn and ate late. Is it time for the generals to have fun? " Refuse to accept. Wu Jun was impressed. Someone asked (Yue Fei), "When will the world be peaceful?" Yue Fei said: "Civil servants are not greedy for money, military officers are not greedy for life, and the world will be peaceful!" Every time the troops rest, (Yue Fei) urges the soldiers to run down the hillside, jump over the ditch and wear heavy armor training. If a soldier takes a strand of hemp from the people to bind the forage of livestock, he will be beheaded immediately. Soldiers camp at night, people open their doors in the hope of being accepted, and no one dares to go in. The order of the army is "freeze to death, don't tear down the house, starve to death, don't rob." When the soldiers were sick, (Yue Fei) personally gave them medicines. When the generals were stationed in the distance, Yue Fei's wife expressed her condolences to their families. The generals who died for their country wept for them and raised their orphans. There are rewards and rewards, and they are distributed to military officers without encroaching on the property of the people. Be good at winning more with less. Whenever there is a military action, we must call all the controls and make plans before the war, so that we can win the attack anywhere, even if we suddenly meet the enemy. Therefore, the enemy said, "It is easy to shake the mountain, but difficult to shake the Yue family army." Zhang Jun once asked about tactics, and Yue Fei said, "Grace, sincerity, wisdom, courage and cruelty are indispensable." Every time we transfer rations, we frown and say, "The financial resources of the southeast people are all used up!" " "(He) respects the virtuous soil, sings elegant poems, plays pot-throwing games, and is as modest as a scholar. Every time (he) refuses to be promoted, he must say, "Soldiers have credit, and I, Yue Fei, have credit! "