Confucius said, "Even if you don't give orders, people will do it, but if you don't give orders, people won't obey."
2 "A gentleman talks but doesn't do it.
Be careful what you say, and disaster comes from your mouth. If they don't speak carefully, they will hurt themselves and others, causing trouble and even disaster. And do things with ability and diligence. In a word, warning people to talk less and do more is the principle that most people in today's society should follow.
3 "The Analects of Confucius Learn" Chapter 7: Xia Zi said: "Xian Se; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I haven't studied, I will call it learning.
"The Analects of Confucius Luz": "My words must be kept, and my actions must bear fruit. I am a villain."
What you say must be credible. If you say it, you must do it. This is a shallow and stubborn villain.
2. What are the sentences about social morality in The Analects? 1. Confucius said: "People don't believe, but they don't know what they can do. If there is no cart, what can it do? "
Vernacular translation: Confucius said: "It is absolutely impossible for a person to break his word. Just like a big car without a butt and a small car without a butt. What does it walk on? "
2. Confucius said, "Only the benevolent can be good and evil."
Translation of vernacular Chinese: Confucius said, "Only those who are kind can love and hate others."
3. Confucius said, "In the interests, there are many complaints."
Vernacular translation: Confucius said: "The pursuit of interests will lead to more resentment.
4. Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect."
Vernacular translation: Confucius said, "When you meet a wise man, you should learn from him and keep up with him.". When you meet an immoral person, you should reflect on yourself (whether you have made similar mistakes with him). "
5. Confucius said, "I don't complain if my parents don't follow my advice and don't respect me."
Translation of vernacular Chinese: Confucius said, "Serve your parents with gentle advice." . I have expressed my opinion. Seeing that my parents don't want to listen, I still have to respect them, not disobey them, work for them, and not resent them. "
3. The sentence about social morality in the Analects of Confucius 1 Confucius said: "He is honest and does not follow orders; His body is not right, although he does not obey. "
Confucius said, "Even if you don't give orders, people will do it, but if you don't give orders, people won't obey." 2 "A gentleman talks but doesn't do it. People should be careful what they say, because if you are not careful, you will hurt yourself and others, causing trouble and even disaster.
And do things with ability and diligence. In a word, warning people to talk less and do more is the principle that most people in today's society should follow.
3 "The Analects of Confucius Learn" Chapter 7: Xia Zi said: "Xian Se; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I haven't studied, I will call it learning.
4 "The Analects of Confucius Lutz": "I will keep my word and do what I want. I am a villain." What you say must be credible. If you say it, you must do it. This is a shallow and stubborn villain.
4. Poetry recitation about social morality. The meanness of the North Island is the passport of the despicable (elite Wujiaochang), and the nobility is the epitaph of the noble.
Look, in the gilded sky, there is a distorted reflection of the dead. The ice age has passed, why is there ice everywhere? The Cape of Good Hope has been discovered. Why did Qian Fan compete in the Dead Sea? I came into this world with only paper, rope and figure, in order to read those condemned voices before the trial: tell you, the world, I-don't-believe! Even if there are 1000 challengers under your feet, count me as the 10 1 th.
I don't believe the sky is blue, I don't believe the echo of thunder; I don't believe that dreams are false, and I don't believe that there is no retribution for death. If the ocean is doomed to burst its banks, let all the bitter water be injected into my heart; If the land is destined to rise, let mankind choose the peak of survival again.
New opportunities and twinkling stars fill the unobstructed sky. This is a hieroglyph of 5,000 years, and this is the eye that people will stare at in the future.