The story of snakehead spawning, the story of snakehead spawning

? When it comes to snakehead spawning, you are very particular. When it lays eggs, it is anxious, gives birth to some, swallows some, swallows some for a certain period of time, then stops, and then calmly lays eggs and raises children. Why do grandmothers have the heart to eat their eggs? Speaking of which, there is another turning point!

Snakehead used to live in the sea. It is small, docile and bullied.

One day, snakehead felt tired and swam to the reef to rest. A sea snake came out, wrapped it tightly and forced it to get married. The snakehead earned hard, but he couldn't escape. Soon, snakehead will be pregnant.

In order to avoid sea snakes, snakehead left the sea, swam and swam for three days and three nights, and came to a new place. This is a river that is overgrown with weeds and calm. Crucian carp, herring and grass carp all like it and arrange accommodation for it.

Living here, snakehead is comfortable! Three days and five days have passed, ten days and a half months have passed, and the belly of snakehead is getting bigger every day. After 7749 days, he was worried about having a baby. What are you worried about? I'm only worried about passing on the evil seeds of sea snakes! It told the grass carp about it. Grass carp took it to see the old turtle.

The old tortoise said, "There is only one egg handed down by sea snakes. This egg will become a snake head when it grows up. The snakehead snake will swallow all the fish and shrimp in the river. "

The snakehead was more anxious and asked, "Well, what should I do?"

The old tortoise said, "This egg can't be seen from the outside, but it tastes different. Good eggs are bitter, but sea snake eggs are sweet. When laying eggs, eat them one by one. As long as you eat the sweet ones, the rest of the eggs are good. "

The snakehead remembers what the old turtle said. It laid an egg, turned around and swallowed it again. If you swallow your own eggs, the taste is that even Coptis is not so bitter! The snakehead resisted, laying eggs once and swallowing them once. Once, twice, three times, each time bitter, until the ninth time, I only felt a sweet taste in my mouth. It fainted when it was happy. After waking up, snakehead laid eggs easily, and all the fish were relieved.

In this way, snakehead has this habit of eating eggs, which has been passed down from generation to generation. It lays few eggs, so it is rare to see this kind of fish now.