Less is more.

Accumulate soil to build mountains, and wind and rain will flourish. The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born. Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; If you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be a river. Leap, not ten steps; This is a great contribution to the success of Ma Xu. Perseverance, rotten wood can't be carved; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They eat the earth and drink the yellow land with their hearts. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. It's not that the snake's nest has no sustenance, it's also impetuous. Therefore, those who have ulterior motives have no bright future. He made much ado about nothing, which has nothing to do with hehe. Those who follow the right path will not come, and those who follow the right path will not allow it. Eyes can't see, ears can't hear. A poisonous snake flies without feet, and a mouse is poor with five branches. The poem says: "The corpse dove is in Sang, and her son is seven. A good gentleman with noble character is always a polite person. His appearance is clumsy and his heart is knot. " Therefore, a gentleman is bound by one.

-& lt; Persuade > Xunzi