Du Fu, who wrote Hiking, was suffering from illness at that time, and he was very painful. Du Fu climbed the mountain on the Baidi City in Kuizhou and looked out. He wrote this poem. At that time, Du Fu was in poor health and was in a state of unemployment and no money. Yanwu, an official he has been to, has also been demoted. He lost his job and his official career has no support. Coupled with physical discomfort, Du Fu was in great pain. He doesn't know how to get to the back road. He looked at the autumn leaves on the river, and the raft was empty, drifting in the wind like himself, and he was very sad. The summit is lyrical, lonely and sad, and Du Fu's summit is also the masterpiece of his poems.
Du Fu was poor all his life and finally suffered from illness. Du Fu is a patriotic poet. Under the chaotic imperial examination system in the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu was brilliant, but failed again and again. Finally, he had to grieve for himself. In order to get a small official, he had to give gifts everywhere. He chose to follow the trend, but he didn't even take this road. Finally, even Du Fu's children starved to death.
Therefore, Du Fu's poems are mainly about people's livelihood, and most of them reflect human sufferings. Du Fu's Ascending the Mountain also showed his sense of helplessness and unbearable sadness at that time. It is really sad for a talented poet to be sick in such troubled times and be in a foreign land.