Cui Kun's banquet for Princess Changning's Dongzhuang should be made outside the East Guo of Qinyuan, and Luan will drive a tour. The waterside pavilion should be timely, and the mountain building should look at night. The seat is dear to the goddess, and the cup is close to the minister's pleasure. The sacred algae hangs like an elephant, and I secretly admire it.
In the early spring of Su Weidao, the banquet in the palace should be made (the word "Heaven"), and the warm liquid should be dripped, and the waves should be rushed to respond to the strings. Thanks for your sincere reward, it will take a long time. The sacred wine talks for thousands of minutes, and Chen Zhang hangs in seven obsidians. I have been drunk since then, and it seems like a dream.
Li Shifeng and the Sanctuary Nine-Day Banquet made it forbidden for Qiu Guang to enter the Garden, and Chen Youji had a high color. Yu Fang presented colorful barnyard grass, and Ju Rui recommended fragrant mash. Ride the willows on the embankment after, and brush the peaches before. The king's gold medals are all from him, and he is too ashamed to fly.
Li Shi's banquet for Princess Changning's Dongzhuang should make the phoenix tower prosperous and the dragon pavilion prosperous. Song and dance Pingyangdi, Garden Pavilion Qinshui Forest. Mountain flowers add holy wine, and bamboo winds around the smoked harp. I am willing to drive in Yaochi, and Qianchun will serve as a virtuous voice.
Li Shifeng and Xing Wangchun Palace sent Zhang Renxu, the general manager of the North Army, to confine his land to grazing in the south, and the day was approaching the north. Take off your clothes and prolong your life, and the horizontal sword always has a reputation. The leopard is slightly respectful and sincere, and the male literary movement is sharp. Sit and worship, and be surrendered to the city sooner or later.
In case of snow in Linwei Pavilion, a tourist park in Xu Yanbo, jade rules should be made to hide the ice weather. It's still too late for the wind to dance. Joan tree leaves Chen anticipates, and the flowers enter the words of wisdom. Hanging knowledge of Mu Tianzi and Huang Zhu's poems.
Xu Yanbo's view of Lucky White Deer should make a phoenix and ride eight scenic spots, and the turtle heads for the Three Immortals. The sun and the moon move to the ground, and clouds compose Xiaotian. The golden boy holds purple medicine, and the jade girl presents violet. Leave Chen in the flower cave to enjoy, and return the flag around the evening smoke.
It is said that Feng He and the Crown Prince visited Jionji and should make two wings, which are gracious and eternal, and open brilliantly. Away from the light, the hall rises, and the shock gas surrounds the incense table. The upper bound is full of flowers, and the Zhongtian geisha is happy. May you live a long life, and Yue Xian wander repeatedly.
Zhang said that the water in the banquet was endowed with thick words, and thousands of lines were used to send out the royal willows, and a leaf was blessed with immortals. Qingpu Chen swims to, and Zhucheng is very strong. Clouds meet dusk, and the grass and trees are happy in spring. The flag of the loving sky turns, and the Qing dynasty enters the ninth fold.
Lu Zang was lucky to climb the Linwei Pavilion on the 9th, so he should make the opening words. Last month, the double ninth festival was full, and the middle of the day came by all means. According to Perry's hair, the chrysanthemum opens to the wine. The smoke in Shengze moves, and the literary image returns. I have no answer, and I am willing to offer a thousand cups.
on the 9th, Ma Huai Su was lucky enough to climb the Linwei Pavilion, so he should be rewarded with wine characters, Ye Tongsan, and Chen Youqi was nine. Lan Jiang leaves a cloth mat, and Ju uses fragrant floating wine. At sunset in Sang Yu, autumn winds rest willows. Fortunately, I celebrate my birthday in Dongdong, and I wish to recommend Nanshan Shou.
Ma Huai Su offered to send Princess Jincheng to adapt to the western world, and decided where Di Zi should go today, emphasizing marriage and adapting to different parties. If you leave your feelings, don't go around the beam. Looking at the willows in the garden, I am sad and entangled in mulberry. In my spare time, I wish the yellow crane, and I look back on Xiang.
The colorful flowers in beginning of spring, Shen Quanqi, should be made early in spring, and the color can be predicted when the box is opened. Flowers greet Chen Han's hair, and leaves wait for the royal feast. The plum is stunned by the lack of fragrance, and the peach is shocked. Suicide, cutting and blowing, long with thousands of branches.
In Shen Quanqi, the water in the dark days should be mixed with vegetables to meet Chenju, and the green gate should be filled with water. Picking orchids makes a noise, and floating algae overflows the dragon canal. The butterfly in the garden is extremely lazy, and the warbler is not sparse. Stars move into the sky, singing and dancing to the store.
Shen Quanqi Feng and Luoyang play with snow, which should be made into Jiazidan, King of Zhou Dynasty, and Deyang Palace after Han Dynasty. Sarui Heaven, Jing Chun Yu Yuan. The atmosphere is full of heroism, and it dances back and forth. Chen Zao is full of light and feet, and the songs are full of joy.
Shen Quanqi Xiane Pavilion's first banquet should be harmonious in the mountains, and you should be rewarded first. The road is covered with fairy palms, and the curtain palace blows Diluo. There are many fragrant streams in the spring and many peaks in Cui Yun. It is no different from climbing the Xuanpu and looking at the Baihe River in the southeast.
Wang Wei's four elegies of Prince Xu Gong, the late prince, seek for the country, and Yi Dai Feng Chen Yu. The sword rises to the front hall, and The Story Of Diu Sim holds the back car. Qi Hou sparse soil space, Han Shi lai books. Leaving a field house in a secluded place is still only ten hectares.
under Liu Yuxi's door, Xiang Gong was honored to add a book, and all the people in the world loved each other's private affairs, so they felt that the book of congratulations was a sincere one, and the official ceremony was respected since ancient times. It is especially suitable for worshipping the earth, and it is just a tribute to the merits of the grid. Then she helped Yang seal, and often took Bao's Qi. The seven sages are still alive, and they still have to sing the breeze.
Wang Wei, looking down in a spring-rain on the course from fairy-mountain palace to the pavilion of increase harmonizing the emperor's poem, round a turn of the Qin Fortress winds the Wei River and and Yellow Mountain foot-hills enclose the Court of China. The emperor's chariot was far away from the palace, and the palace gates were lined with willows, and the garden was like a beautiful brocade. Emperor city towering into the sky is the phoenix tower, spring rain moist thousands of trees. In order to live in the spring season, the people worry, not because of enjoying the spring car tour!
Du Fu's La Ri La Ri is warm all the year round, but this year's La Ri La Ri is completely frozen. The color of snow invading the mausoleum is also day lilies, and there are wickers in the spring. Indulge in wine for a good night, get drunk, and return home for the first time. Mouth fat flour medicine with grace, Cui Guan silver poppy under the nine.
Du Fu was a guest from year to day during the Winter Solstice, and suddenly he was worried about mud and killed people. Jiangshang describes me as an old man alone, and the custom of the horizon is self-dating. After the snow, the staff came to Danhe, and the jade dynasty came to disperse Zichen. My heart is broken at this time, and I can't see Sanqin where I am lost.
Lu Lun sent Cui Nai a clean jade pot, and Xiao took Hua Zan to Tianqu. Every time Shi Jian heard of Zong Jinxiao, Liu Xin did not dare to show off his Confucianism. I would like to suggest that the suburban temple should be repaired, and I would like to suggest that we should levy a shallow map according to the rest. If you climb a car today, you will be a fool.
Lu Lun sent Master Jingju a five-color incense tower, and Baoyu was promoted to the throne to send a magic clock. The famous flowers are constantly floating, and the flavor of the law is thick. Nine days on the road when Chen as soon as possible, the seven ancestral hearts together. May it be better than Lingshan's previous life, and many more people will meet here.
Liu Yuxi went to Suzhou to pay farewell to Zichen under the fish book of Lotte Wujun, and the stables in Chang 'an sent Zhu Lun. Second, the south wind turned into a legacy of love, and the Eight Odes followed suit. Liang's husband and wife are guests, and the Lujia brothers are state citizens. In the spring of Jiangcheng, * * * Yi Dong returned to his old master.
Li shangyin gave a gift to Mr. Liu, a real person of Huayang Song Dynasty and the capital of Qing Dynasty, who was exiled to the imperial palace for thousands of years, and still thanks the people of Ruizhu. But I was surprised that Mao Xu was a fairy, but I didn't know that Liu Lu was a close relative. Jade inspection gives fans Feng Zhuan, and Jinhua returns to drive cold Long Lin. Xu Jia never had this body because of the history of Zhou Dynasty.
Pi Rixiu's title "Tongguan Lan Ruo Tongjin police strike" has been mentioned, and there has been no horse hissing for nearly a hundred years. A strong man doesn't say three feet of sword, but an adviser takes a pill of mud. In the past, I was on the red waves, but today I live in the purple west. The customs official did not bother to ask questions, but abandoned the corpse and planned to enter Yexi.