A man was so poor that he devoted his life to Lv Zu. Lv Zu is Lv Dongbin, who is said to be the ancestor of Taoism. Lv Dongbin was moved by his sincerity. One day, he suddenly fell from the sky and came to his house. He saw that his house had only four walls and was very poor. He couldn't help feeling sorry for him, so he stretched out a finger and pointed to a big stone in his yard.
Immediately turned into gold and said, "Do you want him?"
The man bowed again: "I don't want it."
Lv Dongbin was very happy and said, "You can really be unselfish and teach you the real way to become an immortal."
The man said, "No, I want your finger."
Lv Dongbin suddenly disappeared.
Related idioms touch the stone into gold
Pronunciation: di m \n sh ichéng j \n n
Meaning: In fairy tales, it is said that immortals turn stone into gold with their little fingers, which is a metaphor for turning bad or ordinary things into good things. Also said that a little iron turns into gold.
Source: Song Huzai's Meng Haoran, After Tiaoxi Fishing Talk: "Poetry is unique, like a magic pill, turning stone into gold."