Yuan Ang, Chu people also, the word silk. My father was a thief and moved to Anling. In his senior year, Ang Lee tried to give up his family for Lv Lu. Emperor Xiaowen ascended the throne, and An Lushan was appointed captain.
The Marquis of Christen is Cheng Xiang. He rushed to strike, which means a lot. Gifts are often given by oneself. Yuan Ang said, "What can I do for your majesty's prime minister?" He said, "I am the Minister of Social Affairs." Ang said, "The so-called hero of Jiang Hou is not a minister of the country. The minister of state is here, and the king is dead and dead? . When she was a queen, Zhu Lu used things and was good at seeing the king, Liu Infinite. At that time, Jiang Hou was the captain, the main soldier's handle, and the auxiliary energy was correct. Collapse, ministers and * * * edge of Lu, Qiu main soldiers, let it be, the so-called hero, state minister. If the prime minister has an arrogant main color. I don't think your majesty will accept your humility and your Excellency's rudeness. " Going back to Yizhuang, the prime minister is afraid. I looked at Yuan Ang and said, "My brother and I are friendly. The court is going to destroy me today!" I don't thank you.
In the country where crimson marquis avoided, the Chinese wrote a letter to the contrary, claiming to be the Qing Dynasty. The imperial clan dared not speak out, but Yuan Ang was not guilty. Jiang Hou can release it, and Ang is also quite powerful. After Jiang Naida made friends with Ang.
Tai Shigong said: Although Yuan Ang is not easy to learn, he is considerate and considerate. He takes kindness as the noumenon, and is often called "quoting classics", which is impassioned. When Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty just succeeded to the throne, his intelligence just met the right time and could come in handy. The situation is constantly changing. When Wu Chu rebelled, it was suggested that Chao Cuo should be killed. Although his suggestion was adopted and implemented, he was no longer used by the court in the future. Love fame, praise talents, and finally lead to great disaster because of chasing fame and profit. When Chao Cuo made an imperial edict for the Prince, he made many suggestions, which were not adopted. Later, he came to power and revised many laws and regulations of the country. When the vassal rebelled, Chao Cuo was not in a hurry to correct the crisis, but wanted to avenge himself, which led to his own death. As the saying goes, "change the ancient law, mess with the routine, or die or flee." Are you talking about people like Chao Cuo?