A poem that begins with "two"

If the relationship between two people is long-lasting, it is still a matter of time. After two sentences of three years, the apes on both sides of the river couldn't stop crying, and the canoe had passed the Second Division of Chung Shan Man, and Xie Zhongpei, the ceremony and music were all effective. The houses of the two kings in Beijing should be returned tomorrow. Two stages of cultural relics preparation, seven virtues, and military achievements. On the same day, the two men went to the west. Today, you serve the attendants of Zi Nichao first, which was expensive at that time. Five-character fame spreads far away. Two things, each doing the autumn wind and setting foot on Lanyuan. Who can see it? The two grasses are still one, and people's hearts are not as good as grass. Don't listen to things outside the window, just read sage books. Two feet on the road to the world, one shoulder worried about the past and present.