When I was a teacher of Yin and Yang, what was the poem that Uncle Wen kept reciting? That is, the poem he used to deceive people should be complete.

As the saying goes, I have dreams every day, and I am fascinated by good or bad luck. Zhuang Sheng is an illusory butterfly, and Zhao is a flying bear. These terrible diseases are the result of your son's previous life. Name: XX (this XX can be an ambush, a tiger, etc. ) fell asleep. Your son was a XX in his last life, but when he was working in the field, he accidentally killed a XX who was about to gain enlightenment. After the death of this XX, because of lingering resentment, I swam through the weak water and returned to the world to avenge your son. You XXXXXXX are the embodiment of this XX. For example, as the saying goes, I dream every day. I am fascinated by good luck or bad luck. I have an illusory butterfly and Zhao Feixiong. These terrible diseases are the result of your son's previous life. As the saying goes, your son was a farmer in his last life, but when he was working in the field, he accidentally killed a black snake that was about to gain enlightenment. After the snake died, because of resentment, it swam through the weak water and returned to the world to avenge your son. The face behind your son is the embodiment of this black snake.