In the eighteenth year of Zhenyuan, Bai Juyi was thirty and Yuan Zhen was twenty-three. The imperial court held an official selection examination. Both of them are scholars, unwilling to be mediocre. They were among the best in the exam, and they were all appointed as booksellers in the school. Because their families are similar, their talents are equal, they both like to write poems and their posts, and they work together every day, so Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen have a feeling of meeting each other after a brief encounter.
Yuan Zhen is handsome and not married. Prime Minister Wei appreciated him very much and wanted to marry his daughter Wei to Yuan Zhen. In fact, although Yuan Zhen is not married, she has a girlfriend who has been in love for many years. Her name is Cui Yingying. There are two roads in front of Yuan Zhen. One is to refuse Wei's kindness and continue to communicate with him. Second, for his own career, he gave up his girlfriend in tears and married Wei Cong who had never been masked.
As you can imagine, Yuan Zhen's heart is very contradictory. He doesn't want to be disappointed, and he doesn't want to ruin his future because he has offended Wei. Finally, he chose the second way, married Wei Cong and became Wei's son-in-law. Because of this, Yuan Zhen was labeled as a heartbreaker. According to the present words, he is a veritable love rat, abandoning his girlfriend who loves him deeply and marrying another lover.
To be fair, Yuan Zhen is really not very kind, and it is not an exaggeration to call him love rat, but he also has his own difficulties. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't have made the same choice as Yuan Zhen. Three years later, Bai Juyi was sent to other places as a county commandant, and Yuan Zhen was promoted to Zuo Shiyi. Although they are separated from Wan Li, their friendship has not been affected at all, and letters are frequent. In addition to discussing poetry, it is more important to care about each other's lives and express your thoughts.
As the saying goes, the boat of friendship turns over, and some friends have nothing to say at first, but nothing to say at last, and even die of old age. Bai Juyi is different from Yuan Zhen. No matter what happens, no matter where they are, their friendship has never changed, because they have the same view on poetry and advocate the new Yuefu movement.
Bai Juyi, who has a straightforward personality, once commented on Yuan Zhen: "It's hard to know if you get it as Yuan Jun." What is a bosom friend? Not eating and drinking together all day, but really thinking of each other. You don't need too many words to understand each other's thoughts, treat each other's sadness as sadness, and be happy because of each other's happiness. One year, Yuan Zhen learned that Bai Juyi had been relegated to be an official, and wrote a poem "Sitting in shock when dying, the black wind blows the rain and hits the cold window". After reading it, he was heartbroken.
In the first year of Yuanhe, Yuan Zhen, who had just been promoted to left to collect the remains, wrote to the emperor one after another on the principle of sharing worries for the monarch, including teaching orders, admonishing officials to move to temples, military affairs and so on. Although praised by Tang Xianzong, Yuan Zhen angered the dignitaries headed by the prime minister and was expelled from Beijing a few months later. Before he left, Bai Juyi saw Yuan Zhen off. He was so sad that he wrote a poem. The last word 10 was disgusting.
"Don't fall in love after nine years"
Fallen leaves in Yu Tong, gloomy hibiscus flowers.
In the early autumn, I was born here.
The situation is different from that of old friends, there is nothing wrong with it.
If you don't send the clouds, your heart will return to Qingmen East.
There are many acquaintances, but they ask different questions.
Put your heart and soul into it, and do nothing.
The first few sentences are descriptions of the scenery, which coincides with autumn. It is raining lightly in the sky, and autumn is easy to make people feel sad. The leaves of the phoenix tree were blown off by the wind, and Furong was more depressed than before. Compared with previous years, I feel that autumn has come earlier. "It is better to say goodbye to old friends, and there is nothing in my heart." The most painful thing in the world is where you will go. After you left, no one talked to me all night, and my happiness disappeared.
Don't ask me why I didn't give you an extra ride, because I don't want you to see me sad My heart has gone with you. "There are many acquaintances, but the questions asked are different." Friends don't care about quantity, they care about quality. You and I are connected. Even if you look at each other, you can understand each other's thoughts. Know each other in this life, no regrets.
The last sentence, "Walk with one heart and sit on the sky", is as short as 10, but it is almost impossible to surpass the infinite emotion of the poet Bai Juyi. Since Yuan Zhen left, Bai Juyi's heart was empty. In Bai Juyi's view, the bustling Chang 'an seems to be an empty city. In an increasingly impetuous society, bosom friends have become a luxury. Don't make friends in groups, just ask for a confidant, just like the almost disgusting friendship between Bai Juyi and Yuan Zhen, which is really hard to get.