Wang Anshi: Spring breeze is green in Jiang Nanan. The green word is easy to draw, first draw up the words "want, want, want", and then determine the green word. This green word, originally an adjective, is used as a verb here. It has two meanings, killing two birds with one stone, writing both colors and changes, with a touch of warmth. This is a good hand.
Zheng Gu: The poet Miracle has a poem "Early Plum": "In the former village of Zita Law, a few branches opened last night." Zheng Gu thinks that since it is called "counting branches", it is not "early plum". It is better to change it to' one branch'. Miracle thinks what Zheng Gu said is very reasonable. He not only changed his poems, but also called Zheng Gu a lyricist.
Satyashi's poem "The earth is wet and tired to hear the rain, and the moon comes to listen to the Jingyang clock" was very popular in the Yuan Dynasty. But an old man thought it was not well written. Because the word "heard" in the same position up and down means the same thing. "So it should be changed to" Look at the rain in Tianzhu. "Lisa suspects that the word" look "has no basis (that is, the predecessors are useless). The old man gave an example: "In the Tang Dynasty, there was an old monk watching the rain under the forest." Sacai is convinced of this.
The ancients once had a saying about refining Chinese characters: "Two words for three years, a song with two tears." He also said, "Sing a song and break a few whiskers." There is also a saying called "for the sake of word stability, this is very important." Most poets have such examples, but not many have been handed down. I hope the above is useful to you.