This poem comes from Long Zhong Dui written by Chen Shou in Wei and Jin Dynasties. The original text is as follows:
Working hard at Longmu is good for Fu Liang Yin. He is eight feet long, and every time he compares himself with Guan Zhong and Le Yi, he is incomparable. Cui and Yingchuan of Boling are straightforward and bright, friendly and honest.
Be the first master to station a new field. When Xu Shu met the first master, he took care of the equipment first. He said, "Zhu Gekongming, Wolong, do you want to see him?" The late Lord said, "Come with me." Cao Shu said, "You can meet this man, but you can't give in to him. The general should be in charge. "
Therefore, it is clear that we should see each other from time to time. Because the screen man said, "The Han Dynasty is dead, the traitor stole his life, and the Lord was covered with dust. Lonely and incompetent, want to believe in human justice; And wisdom is short, so use it. As for today. However, the ambition is not over yet, and you said that the plan will come out? "
Liang replied, "Since Dong Zhuo came, there have been many heroes, and countless people have crossed the state and even the county. Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao has a small name and few people. However, Cao defeated Shao and defeated the strong with the weak. Not only was the weather bad, but he also suppressed others. Today, millions of Cao Cao are vassals with the emperor. This sincerity is indisputable. According to Sun Quan, he lived in Jiangdong for three generations, and the country was in danger of the people. He can use it. It can be used for aid, but not for profit.
Jingzhou is bordered by Han and Mian in the north, benefiting from it; it is connected with Tongba and Shu in the east and adjacent to it in the west. This is a martial arts country, but its owner can't keep it. This is almost heaven, so it is a general. Does the general care? Yizhou is a dangerous place, fertile land is thousands of miles away, and the land of abundance makes Gaozu emperor. Liu Zhang is weak, Zhang Lu is in the north, the people are rich but don't know how to keep shirts, and the wise think of the wise.
The general is both the emperor's palace and loyal to the four seas. He is a hero, eager for wisdom. If there are advantages and interests, he will protect his rock resistance, he will be brave in the west and brave in the south, and he will do a good job in foreign relations and domestic politics with Sun Quan. If the world changes, a general will be ordered to lead Jingzhou troops to Wan and Luo, and the general will lead Yizhou people out of Qinchuan. Who dares to meet the general without eating kettle pulp? If that's the case, we can think of everything, and the Han Dynasty can flourish. "
The late Lord said, "Good!" So I got very close to Liang Qing.
Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were unhappy, and the late master explained, "There is a hole in the sky alone, and there is water in the fish. May you say nothing. " Feather, flying is the only way.
Vernacular translation:
Zhuge Liang personally cultivated the fields and loved to sing "Fu Liang's Song". He is eight feet tall and often compares himself with Guan Zhong and Le Yi. People didn't admit it at that time. Only Cui of Boling and Xu Shu of Yingchuan (Yuzhou, Henan) have a good relationship with Zhuge Liang, saying that it is true.
It happened that Liu Bei, the first emperor, was stationed in Xinye. Xu Shu paid a visit to Liu Bei, who thought highly of him. Xu Shu said to Liu Bei, "Zhu Gekongming is a dragon lying on the ground. Does the general want to see him? " Liu Bei said, "Come with him." Xu Shu said, "Only you can visit this person. You can't do him wrong. Call him to your house. General, you should condescend to visit him in person. " .
So the first emperor went to Longzhong to visit Zhuge Liang, and he always went to see Zhuge Liang three times. So Liu Bei told the people next to him to step down, saying, "The rule of the Han Dynasty collapsed, and the treacherous court official embezzled government decrees, and the emperor ran away when he got cold feet.
I can't measure whether my virtue can convince others, I can't estimate whether my strength is competent, and I can't want to uphold justice for the whole world. But my intelligence and strategy were short-sighted, so I failed and got into this situation today. But my ambition has not stopped. What do you think should be done? "
Zhuge Liang replied: "Since Dong Zhuo took power alone, national heroes have set out at the same time, occupying countless counties. Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao's fame is rare. However, the reason why Cao Cao finally defeated Yuan Shao and defeated the strong with the weak was not only because of the right time and the right place, but also because of the proper planning of human harmony. Now Cao Cao has a million troops, holding the emperor hostage and threatening his ministers. It's really no match for him.
Sun Quan has occupied Jiangdong for three generations. The terrain is dangerous, the people are attached, and talents are appointed. Sun Quan can only use him as foreign aid, not beg him. Jingzhou is bordered by Hanshui and Mianshui in the north, and materials can reach the South China Sea all the way. It is connected with Wu Jun and Huiji counties in the east and Ba and Shu counties in the west. This is a place that everyone wants to compete for, but its owner has no ability to hold it.
This is probably what God used to fund the general. General, do you mean to occupy it? Yizhou has a dangerous terrain, vast and fertile land and superior natural conditions. Gaozu used it to build imperial industry. Liu Zhang is fatuous and cowardly, and Zhanglubei occupies Hanzhong. The people are well-off and rich in products, but Liu Zhang doesn't know how to cherish them. Talented people long for a wise monarch.
This general is not only a descendant of the royal family, but also has a high reputation and is famous all over the world. He is widely regarded as a hero, and he is eager for talents. If we can occupy Jing and Yi, we can keep the dangerous place, make peace with all ethnic groups in the west, appease the southern minorities, unite Sun Quan with foreign countries and innovate politics at home.
Once the situation in the world changes, send a general to lead Jingzhou's army to the Central Plains. General, you personally led Yizhou's army to attack from Qinchuan. Who dares to welcome the general with a pot of wine instead of a bamboo basket? If we can really do this, then the cause of hegemony will be successful and the Han family will be revived. "
Liu Bei said, "Good!" Since then, the relationship with Zhuge Liang has become closer day by day. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others are unhappy. Liu Bei advised them: "I have Kong Ming, like a duck to water. I hope you don't say anything more. " Guan Yu and Zhang Fei said nothing more.
Extended data:
Longzhongdui is selected from Chen Shou's The History of the Three Kingdoms, Shu Zhi and Zhuge Liang Biography. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in China, Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang in Longzhong, Deng County (which contributed to the strategic decision of the Three Kingdoms).
From the winter of 2007 to the spring of 2008, at the suggestion of Xu Shu, Liu Bei, who was stationed in Xinye at that time, visited Zhuge Liang three times in Longzhong, Deng County, but it was not until he came to power for the third time. Zhuge Liang analyzed the world situation for Liu Bei, and put forward the strategic idea of taking Jingzhou as his home first, Yizhou as his geographical location, and then the Central Plains.
When Zhuge Liang first entered the political arena, he painted a strategic vision for Liu Bei in the form of Longzhong Dui. Many people can recite this historical masterpiece. Among China's ancient strategic thoughts, Longzhongdui has exemplary value. This article was selected into the ninth grade junior middle school Chinese of People's Education Publishing House (Volume I).