In the second year of Zhenguan, Gao Jifu, the secretary of the Central Committee, said, "I secretly saw the secret Wang Yuanxiao and others are relatives of Yi, and your majesty's feelings are high. He got a car and some clothes and was entrusted with a Fan Wei. According to etiquette, he must be looking forward to it. Compared with Di Zi's worship of the uncle, the uncle is also a worship, and so is the baron. He is polite, or is he Zhao Mu who is so out of tune? I am willing to give lectures and always abide by the rules. " Emperor Taizong wrote a letter to others, but he didn't reply to Wang Wei Station.
In the fourth year of Zhenguan, Taizong summoned courtiers and said, "It is very good to hear about the death of parents in the capital and believe in witchcraft books. Don't cry in the morning, quit asking questions, avoid mourning and ruin customs." It is appropriate to make the state and county teach and make it a ritual. "
In the fifth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong summoned his courtiers and said, Buddhism and Taoism are good deeds. How can we send monks, nuns, Taoists and others to respect themselves, sit down and be worshipped by their parents, destroy customs and violate etiquette? It should be forbidden, but you should still worship your parents. "
In the sixth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said that the left servant of Shangshu said: "Compared with the four surnames of Cui, Lu, Li and Zheng in Shandong, although it is late, it still relies on its hometown and is very proud, calling it a scholar-bureaucrat. Every time I marry a woman of another race, I need money, and it's the most expensive. Like Jia in the city, they are very harmful to customs and orderly. It is neither appropriate nor reasonable and must be reformed. " Gao Shilian, Wei Ting, assistant minister of Zhongshu, Cen Wenben, assistant minister of Libu, Linghu Defen, etc. , published his surname, blamed on the genealogy of the world, and based on historical biographies, cut its glitz and determine its authenticity. Loyal to the sages praised it, while rebellious people despised it and wrote Genealogy. Shi Lian and others entered the imperial clan, and Cui Gan was the first. Emperor Taizong said, "I have no suspicion with Cui, Lu, Li and Zheng in Shandong. Because of the decline of their generations, there is no official. When we get married, we ask for more money or knowledge, but we are arrogant and dependent on wealth. I don't understand what is important in the world. Moreover, a scholar-bureaucrat is capable of making meritorious deeds, honoring titles, being kind to his father, being loyal and filial, being morally simple and knowledgeable, which is also a gateway and can be described as a scholar-bureaucrat in the world. Today, Cui and Lu belong to the same family, but they are more expensive than now. I don't want to lose more money and things in my spare time. I am proud of my achievements. I am a tribe now, and I really want to worship the present crown. Why is Cui Gan still first class, just because young people are not expensive? No matter how many generations have passed, it is appropriate to take today's official products and talents as grades, measure them and use them through the ages. " Therefore, Cui Gan was ranked third. Twelve years into a book, every hundred volumes awarded to the world. He also wrote: "The beauty of the clan really depends on the crown, and the way of marriage does not precede benevolence and righteousness. Since Wei lost the imperial power, Qi Yun died, the city moved to the north, the customs changed to the spiritual body, Yan, Zhao and other ancient surnames, lost their clothes, the old clan of Qi and Han, or the wind of propriety and righteousness. Without a name in the state, you are poor and humble. Claiming to be noble is not humble. Ask for names, steal, and return to the rich room. There are new officials, rich families, ancestor worship, marriage competition and bribery, just like selling goods. Or laugh at yourself and be humiliated by Yinya; Or pity his old hopes and be rude to his aunt. Habit has become a custom, but it has not been done so far, which is not only confusing, but also worth teaching. At night, I was afraid and worried about being diligent, hurting others and being punished by salt, but this unhealthy trend has not changed. From now on, I will clearly put up notices to let me know the order of marriage. When I see the ceremony, I will say what I mean. "
Prince Jue, Minister of Rites, respects honest and frank, and is also the daughter of Emperor Taizong, Princess Nanping. Jue said: "This ceremony is a ceremony for women to meet their aunts and uncles. Due to the few disadvantages of modern customs, this ceremony has been abolished. Respect and obey the rule of law. I am honored to be seen by the princess, so I became the beauty of the country. " So he and his wife sat down in their seats, let the princess take the towel herself, do the washing and return, and leave after the ceremony. Taizong listened and shouted. After the princess came to earth, she had aunts and uncles, all of which were prepared for this ceremony.
In the twelfth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong summoned courtiers and said, "When an ancient courtier entered the court, he had a city of Tom and a hundred wagons, and he took the guests as his respect. Sit in the main hall during the day, build a yard at night, think about it, meet each other and ask them about their hard work. The Han family Jingcheng also built houses for counties. I heard that all the people who came to Beijing by Ambassador Kao rented houses and lived with businessmen, so they were sheltered. If you don't pay enough attention to the ceremony, there will be many people complaining and sighing. Are you willing to run out of feelings in * * *? "Ordered the capital idle, states to build their own houses to check. And success, too lucky.
In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, Wang Jue, an official of the Ministry of Rites, said, "If the order is approved, it will be more than three products. If you meet a prince on the road, you won't dismount. Today, there is a good court. " Emperor Taizong said, "Do you want to admire yourself and despise my son?" Wei Zhi said, "Han and Wei have arrived, and the Prince's squad has called three times. Today, three products and the son of heaven, six departments and nine ministers, dismounted for the king, not suitable for the king. You need a story, not a story. If you do it today, you can be honest and sincere. " The emperor said, "The purpose of establishing a kingdom of princes is to be a monarch. People's shortcomings are not old and young. If there is no prince, mother and brother will come second. In this respect, Andrew is lighter than my son? " Zheng also said: "Yin people are still qualitative and have the meaning of brothers and sisters. Since the autumn of the week, it will take a long time to set up a government, and we must never peek at its evil and plug its source of trouble. If it is a country, be cautious. " Emperor Taizong can play with Wang Jue.
In the fourteenth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong summoned the ceremony officer, saying, "I still have the kindness of being surprised by my wife, but my uncle has no service. My uncle is similar to my aunt, but his service is different and he has not received the ceremony. It is advisable to gather scholars for detailed discussion. People who are more important than others are also incidental. " It was the eight ministers who decided to discuss with the ceremony officer that month:
I heard it secretly, so I decided to be suspicious, hesitant, different, and distinguish right from wrong, not from the world, not from the ground, but from human feelings. Humanism is supreme, caring for the nine ancestors. Nine clans live in harmony, from close to far. Relatives are different, so there is a long death in mourning, and kindness is kind, which means that love is written in words. Although the ex-husband's uncle and aunt are a spirit, the weight is hanging on the mother. What is this? My uncle is my mother's ancestor and my aunt is my spouse. His family name is his mother's family. Menstruation doesn't matter. My uncle's sincerity is the most important thing in the history exam. Therefore, Zhou Wang Nianqi is known as the country of uncles; Qin Bo mistakenly cut the poem "Weiyang". Today, I served in my uncle's house for a period of time. I mourned for my aunt in May, earning both fame and fortune, and finally abandoned my book. This ancient love may not have achieved its goal, but it is really worth it.
"Book of Rites" said: "A brother's son is still a son, which is also cited by Gai. My sister-in-law has no clothes, so I pushed her away. " Ritual, stepfather cohabitation is a period, never cohabitation is not served. From the mother's husband to the uncle's wife, the two serve each other. Still "one heart." But the stepfather is not of the same flesh and blood, and the service is based on the same, and the grace is less concerned with the different places. I know that although the uniform is tied to the famous article, the cover is also because of the heavy demeanor. Or a long-term sister-in-law meets a child's uncle and supports him. Born with love, you are hungry and cold, rich and old, like a stepfather living together. Would you like to be on the same day? He loves his own flesh and blood, but when he dies, he turns away and seeks his roots, which is incomprehensible. Pushed away, you can't live in * * *; You can't die when you are born. What is the meaning of valuing its life over its death, valuing its beginning over its end, and saying that it is a matter of friendship? And sister-in-law see said things, and so on. Zheng Zhongyu is very humble, Hong Yan is sincerely moved, Ma Yuan will be crowned when he sees it, and Kong Ji will cry for it. This covered and practiced the doctrine, showed deep filial piety, and observed the purpose of his actions. Isn't it the Enlightenment? But there was no philosopher king at that time, and the ceremony was not discussed. Therefore, it is deeply suppressed for thousands of years, and the truth is hidden in the ages. It's been a long time, don't hesitate!
Now, your majesty thinks that the words of respect and inferiority, although Huan came almost prepared and lost the discipline system, are still unreasonable, and ordered the arrangement of clans to discuss the gains and losses in detail We, the ministers, follow Ming's instructions, learn from the scriptures, discuss biographies, or quote them, with both names and facts, damaging their surplus and benefiting their shortcomings, making unwritten rituals salty and rank, making them more vulgar than before, and cherishing their righteousness more in the future. Those who believe in six books are far from it, and they are better than those who are independent of hundreds of kings.
According to my great-grandfather, I used to wear Cui Zi in March and please go to Cui Zi in May. First wife, the old service is great, please add a period; Children, the old service is small, please be the same as the brothers and daughters-in-law in September; Sister-in-law, I have no clothes to wear before, so please take a small job in May. His brother, wife, husband and brother also made small donations in May. Uncle, if you are old enough to take clothes, please work with your mother in May.
Obey the proposal. This is not what Kevin·Z said.
In December of the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong summoned his courtiers and said, "Today is my birthday. Birthday can be a joy in the secular world, but in my feelings, it becomes feelings. The rule of the world, the wealth of the four seas, the pursuit of service, you will never get it. Zhong You bears a hatred for rice, and it is good to have rice. The poem says,' I am sorry for my parents who gave birth to me'. Why treat hard days as a feast! Very polite. "So cried for a long time.
Shao Qing's grandparents and grandchildren often play new music. Emperor Taizong said: "The merit of rites and music is that saints teach by reason of things, thinking frugally and governing good and evil." Du Yan, an ancient scholar, said to him: "The rise and fall of the previous generation was really due to joy. Chen's death is also called "yushu backyard flower", and Qi's death is also called "accompaniment song". You will cry when you hear it on the road. This is the so-called voice of national subjugation. It's really interesting to watch it. " Taizong said, "Otherwise, how can her husband's voice be moving? Those who are happy are happy, and those who are sad are sad. Sorrow and joy are in people's hearts, not in joy. The dying government, whose heart is bitter and painful, is very sad to hear. How can music sound sad and make pleasing people sad? Today's songs Yushu and Companion all have their own voices. If I can play them for the public, I won't be sad when I know the public. "Shang Shu You Cheng Wei Zheng Jin" said: "The ancients said: Li Yun, Li Yun, jade and silk clouds are wonderful! Music rhyme, music rhyme, bells and drums! Happiness lies in harmony, not in tone. " Emperor Taizong came running.
In the seventh year of Zhenguan, Taichangqing Xiao Yu said: "Today's Broken Chen Yue Dance has spread all over the world, but the description of beauty and virtue has not yet been completed. Liu Wuzhou, Xue Ju, Dou Jiande, Wang, etc. The front and back are broken, and I want to draw their shapes to write about the ability to overcome the attack. " Taizong said, "My four directions are uncertain, so I am not complacent because I saved people from burning and drowning. This is a question of fighting and cutting, so there is this kind of dance in the world, and the country makes its own music because of it. " However, the capacity of elegant music is limited to the outline of Chen Qi. It's easy to understand if you write it. I think many people have been driven by him. Now that they have been monarchs and ministers for a day, if they see the situation of being captured again, they will be reluctant to part with it. I'm waiting for this, so I won't do it. Xiao Yu thanked him and said, "This matter is not within my consideration. "
At the beginning of Emperor Taizong's accession to the throne, he said to his courtiers, "According to the provisions of the Rites of Zhou, the names of emperors should be avoided. However, the ancient emperors did not shy away from this in their lifetime. The name is Chang, but the poem "After Ji Chang" is written. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Zhuang of Lu was surnamed Tong. In the Spring and Autumn Classic in the sixteenth year of Duke Zhuang, there was a saying:' Duke Qi and Duke Song formed an alliance in a secluded place.' It was only later that the emperors created many taboos. They ordered that the emperor's name should be taboo before they died. I think this is unreasonable and should be changed. "So the imperial edict said:" According to the Book of Rites, a person's name has two words, so as long as they don't appear together, there is no need to be shy. Confucius is a sensible saint. It is not that such a thing has not been pointed out before. Since modern times, more taboos have been added in the world, resulting in many taboos, which are inconsistent with the provisions of the Book of Rites. Now we should follow the classics, start from simplicity, follow the example of the sages and standardize future generations. As long as the words' world' and' people' are not read together, there is no need to avoid official titles, names, public and private articles and books. "
In the second year of Zhenguan, Gao Jifu, the founder of Zhongshu, said: "I saw with my own eyes that Li Yuanxiao, the secret king, was a relative of the country, and your majesty paid more attention to them than the ancient emperor. However, your majesty still has to follow the etiquette rules of allocating military forces and entrusting him with heavy responsibilities in order to make the world submit. When I saw the princes visiting their uncles, they paid me back immediately. A family has a family gift, and so does the royal family. How can it be so upside down? I hope that your majesty will teach and exhort you to always follow the beautiful etiquette of your predecessors. " Emperor Taizong then wrote a letter to Li Yuanxiao and others, without answering questions from Lee Tae brothers of Li Ke, Wu Wang and Wang Wei.
In the fourth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to the courtiers: "I heard that during the mourning period for parents, some people in Beijing listened to the evil words of wizards and did not cry on the day of Chen. They refused the sympathy of others and were forbidden to grieve, which was immoral and against human feelings. Now we have ordered all counties to teach people to do it according to the correct etiquette. "
In the fifth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to the courtiers, "Buddhism and Taoism should do good deeds extensively. How can nuns, Taoist priests and others sit and accept the worship of their parents? "Doing so will only damage folk customs and confuse etiquette. Now, we should immediately ban this kind of behavior and still let them bow to their parents. "
In the sixth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to the left servant of Shangshu: "Recently, the four surnames of Cui, Lu, Li and Zheng in Shandong have declined in the previous generation, but they still rely on their old fame and arrogance, so-called literati. Whenever you marry your daughter to someone else's house, you always ask for dowry property, blindly covet the quantity, and decide the engagement according to the bride price. Just like a vendor in the market, it corrupts the customs and disrupts the provisions of the Book of Rites. Since their expectations are inconsistent with the facts, it seems that the current etiquette system should be reformed. " So the imperial edict was issued, ordering senior officials Gao Shilian, assistant minister Wei Ting of Zhongshu, assistant minister Cen Wenben of Libu, Linghu Defen and others to modify their surnames and generally collect national genealogy. And according to the history biographies, delete the glitz and test the truth. If a family has always been loyal to filial piety and righteousness, it will be upgraded, and if it is rebellious, it will be downgraded. According to this standard, I wrote a genealogy of clans. Later, when Gao Shilian and others presented the clan hierarchy set before Emperor Taizong, Cui Gan was still classified as the first class. Taizong said, "I have no enmity with Cui, Lu, Li and Zheng in Shandong, only because they have declined from generation to generation. No one is an official now, and they call themselves scholar-officials. When they got married, they demanded a lot of property. Some people have mediocre knowledge and bad records, but they still boast leisurely, show off their dead ancestors and cling to the ranks of wealth. I really don't understand why they are still valued in society. If someone can make contributions, have a title, be good at serving your father, be worthy of praise for loyalty and filial piety, or be knowledgeable and stand on their own feet, it will be enough to call him a scholar-bureaucrat. Today, Cui and Lu are just senior officials who rely on their distant ancestors. How can they compare with the powerful people of the current dynasty? Officials or people below the official level, why give them more property and encourage their arrogance? They just want to make a name for themselves, regardless of reality, in order to increase their glory. The reason why I want to restore the clan is to establish the status of today's dignitaries. Why do you still rank Cui Gan as the first class? Don't you look down on my officials? Therefore, no matter what happened before, it will only be graded according to today's official products and talents, and this grading will be a permanent criterion. " So Cui Gan was awarded the third class merit. In the twelfth year of Zhenguan, he completed the book Genealogy, with a total volume of 100, which was promulgated in various places. Later, Emperor Taizong ordered: "Clans should be linked to officials and nobles, and the right path of marriage should be based on benevolence and righteousness." Since the fall of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the demise of the Northern Qi Dynasty, the ruling and opposition parties have changed and customs have declined. In the early days, Yan and Zhao were surnamed Gu, but later generations lost their official titles. In the past, the old clan of Qi and Han also had behaviors against etiquette. Their names are unknown in the village; Poor and humble, she claims to be a descendant of a noble family, but she doesn't pay attention to wedding etiquette. By fame and extortion, my daughter is going to marry a rich family. So there are new officials and rich families, who envy their ancestors, scramble to climb relatives with others and give more property, just like buying and selling. Some of the two sides took the initiative to belittle their families and were humiliated by their in-laws, while others boasted about their past status and behaved rudely in front of their in-laws. This practice has a long history, and it has not changed so far, which not only disrupts interpersonal relationships, but also loses its reputation. I have been careful day and night, working hard in politics, and all the evils of the past dynasties have been stopped and eliminated. It's just that this bad atmosphere has not completely changed. From now on, let everyone in the world know the rules of marriage, and we must follow the etiquette and act according to the etiquette of the court. This is in line with my heart. "
Wang Jingzhi, the son of Wang Jue, the minister of rites, married Princess Nanping, the daughter of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. Wang Jue said: "The Book of Rites stipulates the etiquette for women to visit uncles and aunts. But since modern times, this trend has gradually changed. When the princess got married, these manners were abandoned. Your majesty is wise and abides by the law everywhere. My acceptance of the princess's visit is not only my own glory, but actually my reputation as a country of etiquette in the Tang Dynasty. " So he and his wife sat in their in-laws' seats, and let the princess wash her hands and eat for her parents with a handkerchief. After the ceremony, the princess retired alone. When Emperor Taizong heard about this, he was very much in favor. From then on, whenever the princess gets married, she must follow this etiquette.
In the twelfth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to the courtiers: "In ancient times, the princes went to court to pay homage to the emperor, and they had a place for bathing, prepared hundreds of chariots to feed horses and enjoyed the gifts of guests. During the day, the son of heaven sat in the hall, and at night, he lit candles in the yard to be caring and attentive to them. There are also pavilions specially set up for counties in Beijing. Now, I heard that envoys from all over the world come to Beijing to rent a house. They live with businessmen and only have a place to live. I am afraid that envoys from all countries will resent this kind of hospitality, and how can they be willing to be loyal to the court? " Therefore, conditional inns in Beijing were ordered to build houses for messengers from all over the country. After the completion, Emperor Taizong personally went to visit and inspect.
In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, Wang Jue, the minister of rites, said: "According to the law, officials with third-class quality or above can meet the prince on the road without leaving Ma Zhi. But now, this kind of behavior is illegal and really inconsistent with the law of the court! " Emperor Taizong said, "Do you want to be a nobleman and look down on my sons?" Wei Zhi said: "Since the Han, Wei and Jin Dynasties, the courtesies of princes have been lower than the three fair. But now, Taoist officials and the six ministers and nine ministers of the son of heaven have to dismount and salute the prince, which is a etiquette that the prince should not accept. There is no precedent to follow, and it violates national laws and regulations, which is really unreasonable. " Emperor Taizong said: "The prince established by the state is the future monarch. A person's position does not depend on his age. If the prince dies, then the half-brother should be listed as a prince. Aren't you demeaning my son by saying that? " Wei Zhi added: "There was a rule in the Shang Dynasty that the elder brother died and the younger brother inherited it. Since the Zhou Dynasty, the eldest son was designated as the heir, which put an end to the possibility that illegitimate children intended to usurp power and chaos. The monarch should be cautious about this. " Therefore, Emperor Taizong accepted the advice of the Royal Highness.
In the fourteenth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to the official: "Now, the person you lived with has passed away, so you should dress him in Dai Xiao. But my sister-in-law and uncle died without mourning. Uncle and menstruation are relatives, but there are differences in funeral etiquette. These practices do not conform to the etiquette norms, and scholars should be convened to discuss and formulate funeral etiquette. If you have relatives who belong to the same family, but the etiquette of serving is very light, you should also play together. " In the same month, eight ministers and ceremony officials formulated standards:
I heard that politeness is used to judge unclear things, decide hesitant behavior, distinguish similarities and differences, and distinguish right from wrong. It didn't fall from the sky or emerge from the ground, but it was inferred from people's feelings. The most important thing about human nature is to make nine ethnic groups harmonious. The harmony of the nine nationalities lies in the implementation of different etiquette from near to far. There are differences between relatives, and the eulogy at the funeral should be written according to the amount of mutual affection. My uncle and menstruation are the same family as my mother, but there are differences. Why? My uncle and mother are family. After getting married during menstruation, I changed my husband's surname and became a different person. According to historical records, uncle is indeed more important than menstruation. Therefore, King Zhou cares about Qi, saying that Qi is a country of uncles. Qin Mugong didn't forget that Zhong Er was his uncle, so he sent his son Kang Gong to Weiyang and wrote the poem Weiyang. Now, when my uncle died, he was in mourning for only three months, but he was in mourning for five months because of menstruation. He succumbed to the hollow reputation, lost his human feelings and abandoned his inheritance. This is probably because the ancients did not comprehensively consider people's feelings and should increase or decrease.
The Book of Rites says, "A brother's son is his own because he was introduced. Sister-in-law and uncle don't have to mourn because they are pushed away. According to etiquette, if you live with your stepfather, you should mourn for him for one year. No living together, no mourning. As for stepmother and uncle's wife, the etiquette of mourning for them is the same. As the saying goes, "If * * *' s stepfather dies, he should be clothed with Dai Xiao. "Stepfather is not a biological father, because of * * * cohabitation and grand mourning, because of not cohabitation and slight goodwill. Therefore, although bereavement is a matter of birthright, it also depends on kindness. Like the eldest sister-in-law, she raised her little uncle as her own son, and they shared weal and woe until death do us part. How can the depth of friendship be comparable to that of the stepfather and other people who live together? Sister-in-law's life, two people as close as flesh and blood, but after her death, she was treated by foreigners. It's really hard to understand. If it is right to push and alienate, you should not live together before you die; Live together before death, don't treat your sister-in-law as a passer-by after death. Is it reasonable to use this principle to measure kindness before death and etiquette after death? Moreover, the etiquette of serving my sister-in-law is also inconsistent in the history books. In the later Han Dynasty, Zheng Zhongyu raised her widowed sister-in-law and her son, and was very polite and kind to her. In Jin Dynasty, Yan Hong's sister-in-law was blind and needed to take snake gall. He tried every means to get snake gall, and finally let her see the light again. Ma Yuan, the general of the later Han Dynasty, respected his sister-in-law very much. He dared not go into the house to see her without a hat. According to the Book of Rites, Kong Ji, the grandson of Confucius, wept bitterly in front of his sister-in-law's coffin. These people personally practice the rules of propriety, righteousness and filial piety. Isn't it a prophet who can understand the great righteousness? There are no wise philosophers now, and people don't talk about etiquette, which makes the truth contained in etiquette ignored. This situation has a long history, which is really regrettable.
Now your majesty thinks that although the order of precedence has been formulated, the funeral system is still unreasonable, and he has asked the minister to consider and revise it in detail. In accordance with your majesty's imperial edict, we consulted ancient books and biographies, made amendments, additions and deletions, and turned the etiquette that was not expressly stipulated into terms. I hope this will make people honest and harmonious, make the increasingly thin folk customs simple, change the shallow customs in the past and leave an example for future generations. These are not mentioned in the Six Classics, but your majesty obtained them independently beyond the immortal emperor.
We follow etiquette and make rules. If our great grandmother and great grandfather died and mourned for three months, please extend it to five months now. Di Zi's wife, who once mourned for nine months, now please extend it; Your son's wife is in mourning, please change the past five months to nine months; Sister-in-law and uncle didn't mourn in the past, but now please change their mourning for five months. My brother's wife and her husband's brother will also be in mourning for five months. In the past, my uncle only wore linen to Dai Xiao, but now please stipulate that he will be in mourning for five months like his stepmother.
After reading it, Emperor Taizong wrote a letter to pass the bill. The author of this motion is Wei Zhi.
In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong said to his ministers, "Today is my birthday. People think that birthdays are something to celebrate, but I am full of emotions. The emperor reigns in the world and is rich all over the world, but he wants to support his parents, but he can't always do it. When Zhong You was poor, he often went outside to carry rice for his parents. After he became an official in Chu, he was very rich, but it was a pity that his parents died and he could not be filial. The Book of Songs says:' Pity my parents, how much hardship they have paid for raising me.' It's so hard for my parents to give birth to me. How can I have a good party? This is really against etiquette. "Say that finish, he couldn't help crying for a long time.
Too often Shao Qing's grandfather and grandson play new music. Emperor Taizong said, "Rites and music are established by saints to control people's lust and educate the people. They should conform to the specifications. Similarly, isn't the quality of politics born from this? " Du Yan, an ancient historian, said: "The rise and fall of the previous generation was also related to music. Chen Houzhu's downfall was caused by extravagance and debauchery, as well as the obscene song "Flowers in the Back Garden of Yushu" written for his concubines. Qi perished because he wrote "Accompanied Song" in a daze. The travelers cried sadly when they heard this. This is the voice of national subjugation. So the survival of the country depends on music. " Emperor Taizong disagreed and said, "That's not true. How can sound affect people? " ? Happy people will be happy when they hear the sound, and sad people will be sad when they hear the sound. Sorrow and joy are in people's hearts, not in music. In this dying country, people are miserable. When you hear sad music, your heart is touched and you will feel even more sad. On the contrary, how can a sad music make happy people sad? Now the decadent sounds such as "Flowers in Yushu Back Garden" and "Accompanied Songs" are still there, and I can play them myself. But, to be sure, you will not be sad. Wei Zhi, the prime minister, went on to say, "The ancients said,' Rites, rites, are as jade as silk.' ? Music, music, is it a musical instrument like bells and drums? The key to music lies in people's mood, not in timbre. "Emperor Taizong agreed with him very much.
In the seventh year of Zhenguan, Taichangqing Xiao Yu wrote: "Now" Broken Array Music and Dance "is well-known in the world, but this song is still not enough to describe your majesty's superb martial arts and brilliant achievements. Your Majesty defeated Liu Wuzhou, Xue Ju, Dou Jiande, Wang and other heroes in troubled times. I want to write about your unparalleled bravery. " Emperor Taizong said: "In order to save the world in troubled times, I had to conquer all directions, so I had this music and dance." However, Yarra should only state the historical outline, not write the details. I think many generals in today's imperial court were driven away by the enemy. If we see them captured again now, after all, we have had the feelings of the monarch and the minister, and we will certainly feel sorry. Considering these, I don't think so. "Xiaoyu apologized and said," I didn't think of this at all. "