I was drunk, watching the sword, and dreamed of camping with trumpets. Give the roast beef to the men and the band will play northern songs. Soldiers are stationed on the battlefield in autumn, and horses run very fast. The bow is like a thunderbolt, but the king of the world is done. It's a pity to fight for fame and fortune before and after death.
When I was drunk, I looked at the sword with a bright oil lamp, and when I woke up, I heard the horn of the barracks ringing. Give beef to the soldiers to enjoy, and let the musical instruments play magnificent military music to boost morale. This is a battlefield parade in autumn. Horses run like horses, bows and arrows thunder. I am bent on completing the great cause of recovering the lost land of the country for you and gaining a good reputation handed down from generation to generation. It's a pity that I have become a white-haired man.
Poetry appreciation
In the sense of the whole word, the first nine sentences are one paragraph, which vividly depicts a heroic, loyal and brave general image, thus showing the poet's great ambition. The last sentence is a passage, expressing grief and indignation with a deep sigh. Strong and sad, ideal and reality, form a strong contrast.
From this comparison, we can think of the incompetence of the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, the people's dire straits, and the anguish that all patriots could not serve the country. It can be seen that extremely bold words can also be written in an extremely subtle way, but they are different from the subtle ones of the graceful school. There are two six-character sentences in the top and bottom of the broken array, which are flat and flat, forming a harmonious and soothing syllable.
Reference to the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-"Breaking the Array, Giving Zhuang Ci to Chen Tongfu"