These three people are Du Zizhong, Wen and Wei, and they are all scholars in Mianzhu County. In the same year, the three of them passed the county exam and were admitted to the scholar. Because they are like-minded, they often invite each other to make poems and talk, so they become bosom friends and brothers with different surnames. On this day, when they were tired of reading, they agreed to go to the suburbs to relax and enjoy autumn scenery.
Wei, the oldest of the three, has just turned 20 this year, but he is self-serious and has the demeanor of a big brother. In the middle is Wen. He is small and handsome. He looks like a weak scholar, but he is good at writing, riding and archery. He is eighteen years old this year. The youngest is only two months younger than Wen, but he is a head taller than Wen. He is easy-going and talented, and he is the most sociable of the three.
On the way, the three of them walked hand in hand and came to a hillside on the outskirts, where the trees were sparse and the streams were gurgling. Not far away, the mountains are towering and lush. Everyone thinks this is a good place to enjoy the mountains and rivers, so they decide to stop and have a rest. Wei Zhizhi and Du Zizhong got off the horse and prepared to ride to the stream to drink. Wen Jun, still on horseback, said, "I'm not addicted to riding, but I still want to ride." Both Viagra and Du Di said, "Feel free to smell my brother." So Wen Jun Qing raised his whip and Ma Fei ran to the depths of the forest.
After drinking the horse with Du Zizhong, Wei Zhuan sat on the hillside, looked around and chatted casually about some poems describing autumn scenery's autumn feelings. Just then, with a bang, something suddenly fell behind Du Zizhong. He looked back and found that it was a crow shot down by an arrow. On a whim, he picked it up and saw the words "Flying Goose Ji" engraved on the handle of Zhi Zhu's arrow. There are no other figures here except three brothers. Who shot down the crow with an arrow? And look at the name on the arrow, it seems to be a woman's name. Du Zizhong felt very strange, so he handed it to Wei, who was sitting on the side, and said, "Please check it with Brother Wei." Wei took the crow, and before he could have a closer look, suddenly there came the sound of hooves and a string of silvery laughter behind him. Two people looked round at the same time, turned out to be WenJunQing riding back.
Wei also became interested in crows who can shoot arrows, and was puzzled by this. When he saw Jun Qing coming, he handed it to him again. He is usually the most thoughtful. In fact, Wen has long noticed the novel The Crow written by Wei, and his face turned slightly red. But because he ran too fast and his face was red, he covered up the blushing caused by shyness, and Wei Zhuizhi and Du Zizhong didn't notice it. Seeing that they were all staring at themselves, waiting for an answer, Wen Junqing said, "This crow was shot by my brother."
"Did you take it?" Wei and Du expressed surprise with one voice. Then he asked, "What does the' Flying Goose' on that arrow mean?" Wen is good at archery, as both Wei and Du know. Moreover, on this outing, some people saw him carrying an arrow bag, but no one noticed any mark on his arrow in the past.
At this time, Wen calmed down and explained to the two brothers, "This is my sister's name. She also likes archery. I took these arrows from her. My sister is in the boudoir. Now that Viagra has found the arrow, you are made for each other. I want to be a matchmaker this time. What do you think of Viagra? "
Wei's writing happened to have no engagement, but when he said this, his heart really moved. He thought: since Deng Wendi is so handsome and sensitive, her sister must be good, and she should get married at once. He took off the suet jade at his waist as a token and gave it to his sister. The so-called suet jade makeup is a ring-shaped ornament carved and ground with suet jade, which is a perfect gift.
Du Zizhong silently looked at the conversation between the two schoolmates and thought: If I hadn't given the crow to Viagra, I would have been the one who heard about Viagra's brother-in-law! But I think: after all, Viagra is a long person, it makes sense to talk about marriage first, so why should you be jealous? So I'm relieved and sincerely congratulate Viagra.
Soon, autumn came, and Wei and Du Zizhong invited Wen to go to the provincial capital to take the provincial examination. Unexpectedly, Wen, who has been in good health, suddenly said that he was unwell and didn't want to take the provincial examination. Wei Xiong Du Di advised him to overcome some difficulties, and the two tried their best to take care of them all the way, and together they worked hard to raise their children. However, Wen strongly refused, only urging the two brothers to get on the road quickly, so he had to rush to Chengdu with regret.
In fact, Wen didn't get any disease, but why did he give up the future of the imperial examination instead of taking the exam? This matter is still a mystery. It turns out that Wen is not a man, and what he said about her sister is actually herself. Mother and father are the hereditary commanders of Mianzhu. He used to have martial arts, and he was tired of being an official. As a tigress, Fei Goose, under the influence of her father, has been diligent in learning to bend a bow and ride a horse since childhood, and has been trained in martial arts. At the same time, he is keen on poetry and is proficient in classics and history, which can be described as both civil and military. At the age of seventeen, Fei Goose had a whim, disguised as a man, and took the county exam in the name of Jun Qing. She successfully won the scholar and won the first place in the same subject.
When I was in the county exam, I met Du Zizhong, the sum of Wei Zhuizhi. The three of them hit it off very well, so they got closer and closer, and Wen Fei 'e has always maintained his identity as a man. For a long time, Pei E had an indescribable tenderness for Wei Xiong and Du Di, but she couldn't tell who she loved more. For an instant, I feel that Wei Xiong is mature and stable and can be entrusted for life; I once thought Du Dijun was elegant and gentle, and really a good companion. She thought to herself: In the future, marriage will always be for two people. However, she still couldn't decide who to choose, so she used the opportunity of that outing to design a way to decide her life with an arrow, and prayed in her heart: "Heaven has a good marriage, and whoever gets the arrow is destined for someone!" She gave her fate to heaven, and finally saw the crow with an arrow in his hand, so she secretly gave him her lifelong promise. This time I refused to take the provincial examination with them, because I was afraid that once I won the jury, my reputation would be loud and my identity would be exposed, so I couldn't end it.
Soon, Du Zi, the sum of Wei Zhuizhi, won the prize after having obtained the provincial examination, and I was naturally very happy. The following spring, Wei and Du went to Beijing to take the Ritual Examination, while Fei Goose stayed at home and prayed for them every day.
Unexpectedly, the exam in the capital over there is not over yet, but there is news of a catastrophe here. The news that the participating generals were framed and imprisoned for arguing with the sleeping defense road.
Just when I heard that Fei E was sad because of her father's unjust case, good news came from Beijing. Wei and Du Zizhong were both scholars. It's like a spring breeze blowing into the cold heart of Wen Fei. Seeing a glimmer of hope for her father's rehabilitation, she resolutely put on men's clothes and took reliable domestic servants to Beijing, hoping to open up her joints through the relationship between Wei and Du, new scholars, and rehabilitate her father's wrongs.
Wenfei traveled all the way. When she came to Chengdu, she stayed in a quiet inn. Settle down the luggage, it's still early, and the flying goose sits down at the table by the window and thinks silently. Who knows, the way she sat by the window just caught the eye of a girl, who was attracted by the handsome pupil's appearance. On closer inspection, I saw his frown, as if he was preoccupied, which shocked the girl. This girl is the daughter of a local young lady. She came to visit her uncle Mr. Fu on this day. Mr. Fu's home is adjacent to the inn where Flying Goose stayed, and the window of Miss Jing's room just faces Flying Goose's room. Although there is a courtyard wall in the middle, there is no shelter between the two rooms upstairs, so you can see it clearly.
Miss Jing moved her heart and silently stole a look at the flying geese across the street. But the flying goose was too upset to notice the stunning beauty in the opposite window. Miss Jing couldn't help it, secretly invited the maid of the rich man's house and sent Fei E a basket of Nanchong yellow oranges and Shunqing purple pears. The flying goose was puzzled by the hospitality of the uninvited guests. The clever servant pointed to the opposite window. The flying goose looked up and saw a charming girl flirting here. She understood the servant's intention at once. Flying goose is not sure of her identity yet, so she wrote a poem to express her refusal:
I can't help thinking about each other and paying for pears and oranges.
But I am ashamed that I am not a guest to burn. There is a green piano in my bag, and I am very lonely.
This poem was handed down from the maid to Miss Jing. Miss Jing, who was infatuated, misunderstood the famous poem for a moment. Just think that he is interested in himself, just as Sima Xiangru longs for Zhuo Wenjun, but he is too timid to speak rashly. So I wrote a sentimental poem to express my wish:
Song Yu's wall can't help but make people think. I hope it will stop with the forest;
There is a new saying in bosom friend, so why do you practice Qin Wei again?
When I heard this poem, I knew Miss Jing misunderstood her attitude. Just when I was at a loss, I suddenly heard a report from the store: "Rich members have come to see my son." Flying goose is getting more and more confused, but she has to get up to meet him. After some greetings, Mr. Fu made it clear that he was asked by his niece to propose marriage. Fei E suddenly lost her mind and didn't know what to do. Urged by rich members, she had to put forward: "Being born late is a poor scholar, doing nothing without virtue. I dare not climb high! "
Knowing that his niece had made up her mind, Mr. Fu tried to persuade Mr. Wen not to worry. As long as two of a kind, nothing else is enough. The rich man's hospitality was difficult, but he thought for a long time and suddenly thought: Why not take the opportunity to book a good marriage for the Du Zizhong brothers, and then the four of them will be happy together. In this way, she agreed to Miss Jing's marriage, but only said that she was going to Beijing to deal with important matters and would come back to get married when things were done. Things went very smoothly and the rich man was overjoyed. But Wen Gongzi was in a hurry to leave, so he couldn't get engaged first, so he asked Wen Gongzi for a token. Fei E couldn't find a suitable object at the moment, so she had to take out the suet jade that Wei gave her and give it to Miss Jing as a token.
Flying Goose arrived in Beijing and found Du Zizhong's residence. At this time, Wei had left Beijing for home a few days ago. The flying goose explained her purpose. Du Zizhong was very concerned, comforted him and left him in his room to discuss how to rescue Wen's father.
That night, a pair of classmates and close friends were lying in the same bed. Fortunately, we met again after such a long separation, and we kept talking. We didn't undress and sleep all night, so I didn't show any flaws. The next morning, the flying goose hurried out to do business and accidentally left a manuscript on the pillow. Du Zizhong leafed through it and came across a manuscript that read: "Before the faithful woman in Mianzhu County, Chengdu heard of moths, she burned incense and worshipped Guan Di, wishing to bless my father to know his kindness as soon as possible and return to China safely. During my stay in bamboo arrows, I made a makeup appointment, and I am willing to spare you. "
Seeing this manuscript, Du Zizhong became suspicious and carefully identified it. This is indeed Jun Qing's handwriting. Didn't he say his sister's name was flying goose? Is it himself? Reminiscent of his usual speech movements, it does reveal some traces of girls' homes. Du Zizhong's heart was pounding and he shouted with surprise: "Jun Qing is a girl!" He has a very good relationship with Jun Qing. When he is funny, he said, "If my brother is a woman, he must be married." "If my brother is a woman, he will marry my brother", and now it really should be. Isn't it a godsend? Why don't you make him happy?
When Wen came back, Du Zizhong tentatively asked, "Brother Wen is Sister Wen, right? I had a dream last night that you married me. " When the flying goose caught a glimpse of the manuscript, she knew that the secret had been exposed by him. She blushed and whispered, "I really heard about Fei E. Brother Du has been taking care of me. It's just a matter of marriage. It's fate." So he told Du Zizhong about archery. Du Zizhong smiled and said, "So, who will bamboo arrows fall into first, and who will you marry?" Fei E nodded embarrassedly. Du Zizhong went on to say, "I picked up bamboo arrows first that day, and then gave it to Brother Wei for inspection. I still remember that the arrow shaft was engraved with' the arrow is not empty, but true? "
Hearing Fei E was speechless, she looked up shyly at Zhong, her eyes full of love. In fact, "Flying Goose" seems to be better than others, but he asked for it from the beginning and mistakenly promised Wei to write it. Today, since the truth has come out, why doesn't she obey God's will? Du Zizhong read the meaning in her eyes, only felt a stream of heat flow in my heart, and couldn't help reaching out and holding Iraqis in his arms. After tenderness and caress, * * * entered the account. ...
At dawn, the two sat side by side in bed whispering, on the one hand, discussing the plan to rescue their father; On the one hand, consider how to introduce Miss Jing from Chengdu to Wei Chuan, so as to keep bamboo arrows's promise.
Entrusted by the Central Committee, Du Zi, a friend of the official department, first transferred the sworn enemy of the participating generals to the Guangxi Department. Then Flying Goose and I went back to our hometown and did some work in the local government. Now that the military strategy of sleeping has gone, others have no intention to pursue Wencanjiang's charges and are unwilling to offend the new Jinshi, so Wencanjiang's grievance will be cleared soon, and he will still be reinstated.
When General Wen Shen got out of prison, he learned that Du Jinshi had to take care of his own affairs, so he said to Fei E, "How can I repay your kindness?" The flying goose smiled and answered, "There is no need to repay kindness between Weng Xu!" He took the opportunity to tell his father that he was engaged to Du Zizhong. I heard that all the generals got such a son-in-law. What else can I say?
Flying Goose and Du Zizhong both came to Wei's house and told Wei what had happened in detail. Wei was surprised at first, and then he greeted them. Later, he heard that the flying goose had made a good marriage for himself. He was very happy and thanked the flying geese. ..
So Wen, Du and Wei came to Chengdu together to propose to Jing's family and explain the truth to Miss Jing. Miss Jing was ashamed of her mistake, and then she heard that Fei Goose had engaged herself, and the other party had been on the imperial examination list, that is, the tall and steady Wei Jinshi in front of her; What's more, the original gift of suet jade makeup was also Wei Jinshi's business. I thought it was a strange fate, so I readily agreed.
As a result, the two couples held a wedding ceremony at the same time and agreed to enter the bridal chamber at the same time on the same day. Although body double's body double is upside down, it is also inseparable from fate, and after all, it is in its place.
After marriage, Wei took out bamboo arrows, who first shot crows, and showed it to Miss Jing. Miss Jing said, "Since it belongs to my concubine, bamboo arrows should give it back to others." Wei wrote a lot of sense, so he wrote a short message and said:
Since it belonged to Yuhuan, it returned to Zhu Jian in Qing Dynasty, and their marriage was based on their own convenience. Smile! Smile!
Bamboo arrows, together with the short Cambodia, was sent to Du Jia, and Du Zizhong and E saw the exultation and immediately returned a Cambodian:
The ring is an old thing, and the arrow belongs to the sect. Both were wrong, and neither failed. Smile. Smile. He Shuangqing
People often compare a good woman marrying a bad husband to a "flower planted in cow dung". The fate of He Shuangqing, a poetess in the early Qing Dynasty, can only be summarized in this sentence. Although He Shuangqing was tortured to death by his "cow dung", her poems became more and more outstanding in difficult times, revealing a different kind of splendor.
In the autumn of the fifty-fourth year of Kangxi, at the foot of Siping Mountain in Danyang, Jiangsu Province, a farmer named He added another daughter. This is the second daughter of the royal family, so it was named Shuangqing. Xiao Shuangqing is very clever, seldom cries, and often stares at the outside world with a pair of black and white eyes. She seems to know that her family is poor, her parents are busy all day for their livelihood, and they have no intention to take care of themselves, so they grow up. Xiao Shuangqing can walk and talk unconsciously. Although she doesn't like to talk much, she speaks methodically and wisely. Shuangqing's uncle works as a handyman in the school auditorium in the town. The town is not far from He Shuangqing's home. Xiao Shuangqing, who is neglected, often runs to the school auditorium alone and stands quietly outside the window to peek. The students in it read books, and she also imitated them with "Yi Yi Ya". And it's interesting to learn. Later, when Mr Guan Xue saw that the little girl was smart and studious, he made an exception and agreed to let her take part in this class. Xiao Shuangqing was happier than eating honey. After class, she was busy sending water and tea to her husband, fanning flies in summer and stirring the fire in winter to thank him for his special care. In this way, Xiao Shuangqing went to school for three years for free, learned to read and write, and entered the door of poetry and composition.
Three years later, He Shuangqing was ten years old. My mother thinks that girl is old and runs around like a crazy girl all day. Afraid that she would not get married in the future, she stopped letting her run to the school auditorium in the town every day, but let her stay at home and learn needlework. Xiao Shuangqing doesn't know how to resist her mother's meaning, because other young ladies in the village dare not leave home easily. Most women can't read or even write their own names. As usual, they got married, had children and became mothers. It is open enough for the royal family to let Shuangqing run outside for several years.
Doing housework with my mother at home, I still can't put down the pen and ink poems in the school auditorium. Her uncle bought paper, pens and ink, and whenever she is free, she sits at the table and writes poems and compositions. I also asked my uncle to take her exercise book to the school library for Mr. Wang to correct. Mr. Wang often criticizes her exercise books and is deeply surprised by her rapid progress.
Crops in the field are planted and harvested, and harvested and planted. In a blink of an eye, He Shuang chatted for eighteen years and grew into a slim girl. Being good at the inner expression of poetry and prose makes her more subtle and profound than other country girls. Although He Shuangqing has excellent poetic talent and charm, they are worthless in the eyes of rural people. The parents of the royal family don't think their daughter is different. When their daughter reached marriageable age, they took the initiative to marry Shuangqing to King Zhou of the neighboring village. Zhou Dawang is also a farmer and only knows how to plant crops. The parents of the royal family are interested in his strong body and good harvest and think that his daughter lives with him.
Zhou Dawang is as strong as an ox, with a hot temper, and he doesn't know a stone when he is in a big fight. Compared with He Shuangqing's exquisite physique, gentle temperament and handsome talent, it forms a very disharmonious contrast. The newly-married He Shuangqing looked at her strange husband and felt that she had been thrown into the wilderness and her future fate was uncertain.
When he first got married, King Zhou was fascinated by Wen Yamiao's wife and held her and touched her every night. Although he didn't speak out of turn, his generous chest and powerful arms made He Shuangqing feel a solid love. Although it is not as romantic as a gifted scholar and a beautiful woman in books, it is also slightly satisfied. Anyway, that's how farm girls get married.
Three days after entering the Zhou family, He Shuangqing began to taste some bitter taste. Yang Popo is a fiery and capable woman. Widowed at a young age, the only son, King Zhou, was brought up by himself. Now that his daughter-in-law walks in the door, his son is hooked. He seldom comes to her as a mother. It's really "marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother"! She blamed the hatred on He Shuangqing, and decided that the fox had robbed her son's heart, so she began to find fault with her eggs. On the third day, the new wife began to cook. He Shuangqing carefully made a bowl of glutinous rice balls for her mother-in-law to eat. Yang pretends to take it, spoons one into his mouth and takes a bite. Suddenly, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he "jumped" to spit out jiaozi who had eaten in his mouth. At the same time, he slammed the bowl in his hand on the table and immediately stood up and said angrily, "You little whore want to burn me? Where does Bao jiaozi put so much polysaccharide? Do you just want to beat our Zhou family? What bad luck! "
Spit out jiaozi spit on He Shuangqing's skirt. She was startled, and then a scolding swept through, making her feel at a loss and crying involuntarily.
"gee! I can't even say a few words? I'm telling you, I'm in charge here, and you can't mess around. Don't hurry up and feed the pigs in the pigsty and the chickens in the bar! We farmers can't afford idle people at home! " Yang didn't seem to vent enough, and he was reprimanded at He Shuangqing. Then he turned his head and shouted to the son in the room, "Wang Er, can you keep your daughter-in-law with Xiaomi every day?" Why don't you work in the fields and see how lazy you are! "Just after the newlyweds had rested for three days, Yang was furious and felt that his son had been brought down by his daughter-in-law.
King Zhou is a sincere friend and has been used to listening to his mother's tone since he was a child. At this time, he naturally didn't dare to resist, so he had to go to the field with a hoe and take it out on his wife. I feel that my mother is angry, and she is responsible for her own cultivation. I can't help loving my wife by half.
From this day on, He Shuangqing lived under the oppression of her mother-in-law. Housework such as cleaning, cooking, feeding chickens, raising pigs and threshing fell on her. She is very weak and seldom does these things at home. At first, I couldn't adapt. I either forgot this or missed it. I was so busy that my mother-in-law sitting next to me not only didn't help, but also thought her hands and feet were too slow. There are problems everywhere.
At first, He Shuangqing was wronged by her mother-in-law and humbled her husband, hoping to get some comfort from him. But slowly, her husband listened to her mother-in-law's arrangement and decided that He Shuangqing was clumsy and lazy, and often stood by her mother-in-law to help scold her. He Shuangqing was extremely sad.
Since there was nowhere to tell, He Shuangqing thought of the pen and paper brought by his family, so he had to pour out his thoughts on paper and form a poem with tears in his eyes.
First of all:
Life is as light as a cicada's wing and as charming as a moth next door;
Does grandma know when she sees her son? Bitter yellow looks like red.
Cold kitchen smoke wet room is low, phoenix thanks phoenix;
Wild vegetables wash cold, chrysanthemums show frost.
Guess whether the snow is cloudy or sunny at night, and there is nowhere to wander in front of the bed;
Longitudinal enlightenment is like flying a phoenix alone, not as good as Qin Tai.
In the poem, she described that she was beset with bad karma, helpless, but unable to fight, and even tried to be a good wife who tried her best to behave like a woman, and secretly paid tenderness to her vulgar husband. Husband went out to collect firewood, and she was worried at home; There is no money to pay the rent at home, so she tries her best to dress up and leave our cotton-padded clothes to her husband. This tenderness is recorded in her poem:
First of all:
How heavy is the Ma Xie line, firewood will go to Xifeng tomorrow;
One cold night, the wind was very strong, so Mo Xianglang blew all the way to Nong.
This year, the rain broke through the autumn clouds in order to make up for the new rent and dress;
If I stay soft and warm, my heart is like honey, and I dare to miss you.
Despite He Shuangqing's painstaking efforts, the clumsy and vulgar husband didn't realize it at all. On the contrary, at the instigation of his mother Yang, he kept torturing his wife. One day, He Shuangqing cleaned the house, washed a large basin of clothes and fed chickens and pigs. Just when she wanted to sit down and have a rest, her mother-in-law shouted in the yard, "Take the rice basket away before lunch and wait until the sun goes down!" " He Shuangqing never dared to disobey her mother-in-law's instructions again, and hurried to the yard to start turning over the valley. The stone pestle in the valley is big and heavy. After a while, she was so tired and panting that she had to hold the pestle for a while. Just then, Zhou Dawang came back from the field. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my wife standing feebly by the stone mortar, holding a stone pestle motionless. I thought it was her laziness, so I walked over without thinking and pushed her next to the stone mortar. Stone pestle pressure on her waist, He Shuangqing pain for a long time can't get up, but also dare not shed painful tears in front of her husband.
After struggling to thresh, it's time to cook lunch again. He Shuangqing had no time to catch his breath, so he went to the kitchen to cook porridge. The porridge pot sat on the stove, and she sat in front of the stove pit to add firewood to make a fire. As soon as she smoked, plus fatigue, the old habit of dizziness came back, so she had to close her eyes and lean against the stove. At this time, the porridge cooked in the pot opened and overflowed the edge of the pot, making the kitchen sound a mess. Some hot porridge spilled on He Shuangqing's neck and woke her up. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice. The shrewd mother-in-law heard the sound and looked into her head. She flew into a rage and shouted, "You little bitch, you can't live if you waste food like this!" He Shuangqing has long been used to her scolding, but now he is really weak, so he ignores her and just cleans the stove. Yang was even more angry when he saw that his daughter-in-law ignored her. Rushed forward, grabbed He Shuangqing's earring, pulled it hard, tore her earlobe, and blood flowed over her shoulder. He Shuangqing still didn't dare to resist, just silently gritting his teeth and holding back the pain. As usual, she obediently brought food home. Her husband and mother-in-law didn't look at her, so they sat down and chewed.
He Shuangqing suffered from severe malaria and could not be treated at Zhou's home. She is often hot and cold, which makes her pale and emaciated. Her husband hates her more and more. Once, she was carrying a bamboo basket to deliver food to her husband who was working in the field. On the way, malaria broke out suddenly, and she fell to the ground, shivering. She finally got over it, and she stumbled towards her farm. King Zhou was a little hungry after work, and his wife didn't deliver the meal. He was furious. Finally, I saw my wife. She looked as if she was dying. He suddenly got angry, picked up the hoe around him and threw it at He Shuangqing. He Shuangqing was surprised and hurriedly left the rice basket and ran back, his feet fluttering gently, but his head was groggy. I fell many times along the way and barely touched the house. Fortunately, her mother-in-law was not at home, so she fell on the bed and began to cry. She couldn't help but get up and fill in the word "lonely love" with tears in her eyes:
The noon is cold, malaria is new, and the blue shirt is lined; Wear a bun and comb your hair, and mess up Parozzi's temples. Busy plain skirt is not happy, wrinkled edge and broken silk are both lost; The king's wrist looks like an orchid, but his cheeks are still tender.
Even if you are miserable all your life and turn into dust, you will feel it first when you get married; Think of love, dare to be smoked out. The east wind is too slow, and the cold wave returns. Who asked about the craze? Go home to dry cotton and cook later.
The hard work and bullying of her husband and mother-in-law are eroding He Shuangqing's beauty day by day, but she can't wear out her talent. When the paper is used up, write on the rag fragments. If the pen is worn out, replace it with a charcoal stick. Mother-in-law was furious many times, broke her pen and burned her poems, but she couldn't stop her passion for writing poems anyway. I don't care what works are handed down from generation to generation. She just wants to express her sadness with poetry, touch her life with poetry, and add a touch of bright color to her withered life.
The expression of true feelings and casual tempering made He Shuangqing's poetic skills mature unconsciously. For example, one of her poems, "I remember playing the flute in the Phoenix Terrace", skillfully uses reduplications to express my feelings in a freehand manner, which is comparable to the sentence "Looking for it, being miserable and miserable" written by everyone Li Qingzhao, and tells the bitterness of the rest of her life:
Inch by inch, Wei Yun is still shining, whether it is still alive or not, it is broken and shining; Looking at the mountains and rivers, people come and go, vaguely far away! Since then, the acid has been clear, just like today.
Shine on you, demanding silence, watching Xiao Shuangqing, curled up and bored; See who has more. Who's hurt? Who * * * is happy to steal elemental powder to describe it; Who cares about the rest of my life?