"Shi Gan Jing Jing": "Beidou is called the Seven Houses, the Minister of the Emperor, and the Emperor Car." The emperor sat on the Big Dipper and inspected the four directions, and it was cold and hot at four o'clock. The ancient book "_ Guanzi" records: "Fighting refers to the East, which is the spring on earth; Fighting in the south and fighting in the north, the world is summer; Fighting against the west means that the world is autumn; The northern war is the winter in the world. "
In ancient times, Polaris was regarded as a symbol of God, and Beidou was the imperial chariot that God drove when he traveled around the world. The year began in spring, when Beidou was in the east, so God began to patrol from the east, so Yi Zhuan: "The Emperor was shocked" and divination was in the east.
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The star with the highest popularity among the people is probably the Big Dipper. These seven stars all have their own names, namely, Shu Tian, Tian Xuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. The first four stars in the spoon head are called Dou Kui, and the other three are called bucket handle.
Because "Beidou" surrounds the North Pole day and night, from a very young age, "Beidou" was imagined as a car driver of Tiandi. Biography of Historical Records of Huo Zhi said: "The bucket is the emperor's car, transported in the central area and controlled by the four directions", which means that the Big Dipper is the carriage that the Emperor of Heaven sits in, and the Emperor of Heaven takes the central area as the hub, and sits in the carriage to patrol the four directions, setting four seasons and dividing cold and heat.
In the Wuliang Temple of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Jiaxiang County, Shandong Province, there is a stone relief of "Fighting for the Emperor's Car". In the picture, the Big Dipper consists of four stars, with an emperor sitting on the spoon and three stars on the bucket handle. This car has no wheels. It walks in the clouds.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Big Dipper
People's Daily Online-China has the official system of "Twenty-eight Hostels", and the Big Dipper indicates the seasons.