There are two buildings in Shi Zhongshan, both in Hukou County. Near the South Lake is Upper Shi Zhongshan, and near the North River is Lower Shi Zhongshan. The two mountains are opposite, with a distance of 1200m. The newly-built city dike connects two mountains.
There are two wonders in Shi Zhongshan, which are praised by ancient literati. First, the mountains are limestone, and there are caves in the lower part, which are bell-shaped and face deep pools. The breeze and waves collide with each other, and the water and stones are as loud as Hong Zhong. Second, at the intersection of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake at the foot of the mountain, the waterline is clear, the river is turbid and the lake is clear, and a wonderful boundary is drawn with completely different water colors.
Dagushan Mountain, also known as Xieshan Mountain, is an island shaped like embroidered shoes in Poyang Lake, and it is a relic of Quaternary glacial activity. 97 meters above sea level, perimeter 1000 meters, 9 kilometers away from the county seat. There are stone carvings of famous people such as Mi Fei in the Song Dynasty and Peng Yulin in the Qing Dynasty. Climbing to the rest mountain is like being in the blue waves, and it feels like making friends with migratory birds and neighbors. The remnants of Taiping Army and the "Second Revolution" battery still exist today. Several war sites near Xieshan Mountain have been restored for tourists to visit and mourn. At the same time, a large-scale water ancient battlefield amusement park is also under construction.
ancient records and relics
Such as the site of the late Neolithic Age, the site of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the site of ancient pengze county and the site of Shangjia County. It has important archaeological value and is also an important tourism resource to be developed and utilized. In the Ming Dynasty, most of the eight scenic spots at the mouth of the lake inscribed by Jiujiang county magistrate-the Fairy Tale of Hongqiao, the former site of Yuanming, Ting Yun in Daling, Huajian, Shuangling Moonlight, Sheng Tao in Peng Li, fishing songs in Shazhou and crossing the boat in Laodu-were not included in tourism projects.