Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was born in the gentry, and with his outstanding talent, all the ministers in the court recommended him to be an official. He is the secretariat and general of the right army (people also call him Wang Youjun).
Wang Xizhi loved writing since he was a child. It is said that when I usually walk, I also practice writing with my fingers at any time. After a long time, even the clothes were cut. After studying hard and practicing hard, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy became more and more famous. People at that time regarded his calligraphy as a treasure.
It is said that once, Wang Xizhi went to a village. An old woman went to a charity sale with a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans. That kind of bamboo fan is very simple, without any decoration, which can't attract the interest of passers-by. It seems that it can't be sold, and the old woman is very anxious.
Seeing this situation, Wang Xizhi felt sorry for the old woman, so he went up to her and said, "You can't sell this bamboo fan because there are no pictures or words on it." How about I write an inscription for you? "
The old woman doesn't know Wang Xizhi. Seeing his enthusiasm, she wrote him a bamboo fan.
Wang Xizhi took a pen, wrote five words on each fan and gave them back to the old woman. The old woman can't read, and she feels that his handwriting is scrawled, so she is very unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said, "Don't worry. You told the fan buyer that it was written by Wang Youjun. "
As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. Collectors rushed to buy Wang Youjun's calligraphy after seeing it. A basket of bamboo fans soon sold out.
Many artists have their own hobbies, some love to grow flowers and some love to keep birds. But Wang Xizhi has his special hobbies. Where there are good geese, he is interested in seeing them, or buying them to enjoy.
There is a Taoist in Yinshan. He wants Wang Xizhi to write a moral classic for him. But he knew that Wang Xizhi would not copy scriptures for others easily. Later, he found that Wang Xizhi liked white geese, so he specially raised a number of geese with good varieties.
Wang Xizhi heard that there were good geese in Taoism, so he really went to see them. When he approached the Taoist priest's house, he saw a flock of geese floating leisurely on the surface of the river, with white feathers and high red tops. It was really cute.
Wang Xizhi watched by the river and was reluctant to leave, so he sent someone to find a Taoist priest and asked to sell him the goose.
The Taoist priest said with a smile, "Since the princes love eating so much, they don't have to spend any money. I'll give you all these geese. But I have a request, that is, please write a volume of scriptures for me. "
Wang Xizhi did not hesitate to copy a scroll of scriptures for Taoist priests, and the goose was taken back by Wang Xizhi.
Step 3 Eat jiaozi
One day, Wang Xizhi passed by the market and saw a shop called Jiaozi. There is a lot of noise and excitement. In particular, the two couplets by the door are particularly eye-catching. On the horizontal plaque "Duck Feet Shop", the words "I can't get here, I know the taste often" are written. But the handwriting is dull and weak, lacking in kung fu.
After reading it, Wang Xizhi thought: Is this word worthy of inscription on the plaque? Another thought: "If you can't pass this level, you will know the taste. Come often." -Boy! Who is buying and selling here,
How can you brag like that?
Looking closely, I saw a cauldron with boiling water in it, which was located next to a low wall. Jiaozi wrapped in white flour,
Just like Bai Niao flew over the wall and just fell into the boiling cauldron. When the pot is full, the bird will be grounded without saying hello. When this pot of jiaozi was cooked and fished out, the "birds" flew in a line again, exactly.
Wang Xizhi was surprised, took out some scattered silver coins, asked for a big bowl of jiaozi and sat down. Only then did he discover that jiaozi was delicate and delicate, like a duck swimming in the water. This is an amazing product! He picked up jiaozi with chopsticks, slowly put it in his mouth and took a gentle bite. Suddenly, the smell was fragrant and delicious. Before I knew it, I swallowed the big bowl of jiaozi.
After a hearty meal, Wang Xizhi said to himself, This duck jiaozi is really delicious! It's just that the handwriting of the couplet at the door is too poor to deserve this delicious jiaozi. Why don't I, Wang Xizhi, take this opportunity to write another couplet for them and live up to my visit here? Thinking of this, he asked the clerk, "Where is the shopkeeper?"
The clerk pointed to the low wall and said, "Hui Xianggong, the shopkeeper is behind the wall."
Wang Xizhi bypassed the low wall and saw a white-haired old woman sitting in front of the panel, rolling dumpling skins and wrapping dumpling stuffing alone. In the blink of an eye, the action is extremely fast. Stranger still, after the bag was finished, the white-haired old woman threw jiaozi at the low wall, and jiaozi the duck climbed over the wall one by one.
Wang Xizhi was stunned by the old man's superb skills. He hurried forward and asked, "Old man, with your deep kung fu, how long will you have to practice?" The old man replied, "To tell you the truth, it takes fifty years to master it, and it takes a lifetime to master it."
Hearing this, Wang Xizhi was silent for a while, as if he were savoring this sentence. Then he asked, "You are so skilled, why don't you ask someone to write a better one at the door?"
The old man said very enthusiastically; ""xianggong "don't know, not the old woman don't want to please, but not please! Some people are only famous for their writing, but their eyes are upward, so they don't want to write for us ordinary people.
In fact, in my opinion, their writing skills are not as deep as I throw jiaozi! "The old man's works don't necessarily refer to Wang Xizhi, but Wang Xizhi feels agitated and ashamed. So, he specially wrote a pair of couplets and respectfully gave them to the old man.