Li Yuheng’s signature, as shown in the picture:
The signature fonts include image signature, combined text signature, monogram signature, vertical signature, anti-counterfeiting signature, digital signature, letter signature and reverse signature, etc. Artistic signature font:
A vertical signature is a signature in which the name is written vertically and from top to bottom. The vertical signature method is the earliest signature form in my country and one of the most basic signature forms in modern times. Vertical signatures are mainly signed on objects whose text content is written vertically. They are often used in calligraphy and paintings. This form can also be used on objects without text content. An anti-counterfeiting signature is a special signature text designed to prevent others from counterfeiting. Its style and layout are meticulous, the graphics are varied, and the conversion and generation methods are diverse. It is intended to increase the difficulty of writing certain strokes, or to make some anti-counterfeiting features in certain strokes. The arrangement is less identifiable and difficult to imitate. Digital signatures, letter signatures and reverse signatures are the other two forms of anti-counterfeiting signatures. The signer cleverly uses numbers or letters to turn the name into a string of numbers or letters, which looks like numbers or letters but is actually Chinese.