Liu Tongxun is better than Liu Yongqiang in all aspects. Liu Tongxun and Liu Yong are both big officials, both big officials. But when it comes to power and status, Liu Tongxun, who can enter the Ministry and is the chief minister of the military, has more power. ,
Liu is a household name in TV series, but his father Liu Tongxun has a higher historical position. After entering the official career, Liu Tongxun became a teacher in the study room of the prince and grandson, and with the help of this convenience, he made friends with Emperor Qianlong after May. Liu Tongxun served as the Minister of Ministry of War in 1752, and naturally came last when he first joined.
Later, he became the chief minister of the military department at 177 1. Only this position can be said to be the "prime minister" of the Qing Dynasty. In contrast, although Liu Yong's resume is dazzling, it is inferior to his father. After Liu Yong became an official, he did not work in the DPRK, but served as a scholar with high social status but no actual power. Liu Yong holds a provincial post, and 1772 is a judge in Shaanxi Province.