Wang Xizhi likes an animal very much. He understands the truth of calligraphy from its posture. What is this?
He believes that raising geese can not only cultivate sentiment, but also understand the truth of calligraphy from some gestures of geese. One morning, Wang Xizhi and his son Wang Xianzhi took a boat tour of Shaoxing. When they arrived near Xianshui Village, they saw a flock of white geese on the shore, staggering and dawdling. Wang Xizhi was fascinated by these white geese and wanted to buy them home. Wang Xizhi asked the Taoist priest nearby, hoping that the Taoist priest could sell him the goose. The Taoist priest said, "If the right army adults want it, please write a Taoist health book" Huang Ting Jing "for me! Wang Xizhi longed for the goose and readily agreed to the conditions put forward by the Taoist priest. This is the story of "Wang Xizhi gave the White Goose Book".