When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must know how to use a pen. When he sees his book, he will become smart. " With tears in his eyes, he said, "This child is going to stamp my name!"
2. Translation:
Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty, a few words, son of Wang Kuang. At the age of seven, he was good at calligraphy. When he was twelve years old, he saw the pen of the previous generation on his father's pillow and stole it. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer his mother's question: "Are you looking at the brushwork?" Seeing that he was still young, his father was worried that he couldn't understand the mystery in the book, so he said to Wang Xizhi, "I'll teach you when you grow up." Wang Xizhi sincerely requested: "Let my son read this book now. If you wait until adulthood, I am afraid that you will bury your child's wonderful talent. " Father was so happy that he gave him the book. In less than a month, calligraphy has made great progress.
When Mrs. Wei saw this, she said, "The child must have watched' Writing with a Pen'. I have read his calligraphy recently, and I am already very wise. " She said with tears, "This child will definitely surpass my reputation in the future." During the Jin Dynasty, the imperial court held a sacrificial ceremony in the northern suburbs. When replacing the bamboo board, the worker cut off his words and the brushwork penetrated into the board for three points.