Yang Xin, whose name is Jingyuan, is also a native of Mount Chengnan. Great-grandfather Chen, Shanxi Xuzhou secretariat. Zuquan, Huang Menlang. Father does not doubt, Guiyang is the satrap. Quiet, competitive, charitable and good at Rong Zhi. Read classics extensively, especially long official scripts. I don't doubt that I was Wu Chengling, and I was twelve when I was happy. When I was Wang Xianzhi, I was the governor of Xing Wu, and I knew how to love him. I went to the county town with the moon in summer, slept in a new silk skirt during the day, and took some books and skirts. I am grateful for my work, so I am kind. The government has returned to China since it assisted the country to join the army. When I arrived in Longan, the court gradually became chaotic, and I had a private trip and stopped being an official. Wang Shizhi Yuan Xian of Huiji often refused to obey orders, but Yuan Xian was angry because he thought the military government would give up the family. This posture was originally used by a cold person. He is happy and elegant, regardless of the high and low. Xie Hun, the general of Xinyi, tasted it and was very pleased. He changed his clothes and welcomed it. When the son of the mixed race sat down, he said to his brother Zhan, "I hope Cai can meet Yang Xin, so I changed my clothes and changed my seat." Xin became famous.
Huan Xuan assisted the imperial court, led the generals, joined the army with Xin as the day, and still looked through the master book for confidential information. I am eager to be self-sufficient, and sometimes I will leak. I think this is intentional, and more seriously, I think this is A Lang's performance in Taichu Concert Hall. He said: "The essence of minister politics is the rites and music in the temple. It's only light when you're on your hips. " I am glad that I have worked for a few days, saying that I am disease-free and have been in Curie Lane for more than ten years.
In Yixi, my brother's emblem was received by Gaozu, who said that Zheng Xianzhi, who was negotiating to join the army, said: "The sheep emblem was beautiful for a while, and the world is still behind my brother. I hate not knowing. " That is, Ban Xin supplemented the right general Liu Qi Sima and turned to a long history. General China was merciful and discussed joining the army. Out of Xin 'an Prefecture. After four years in the county, Jane Hui is famous. In the long history of the country, in addition to Wang Yiqing's assistance in Linchuan, Wang Yizhen of Luling rode horses and negotiated to join the army. Taizu attached great importance to it and thought that Xin 'an was a satrap, and it was very appropriate to play around mountains and rivers for thirteen years. It is not good to transfer to Yixing. In a word, it is also called "getting sick and avoiding returning". Except for Dr. Zhong San.
I am a nice guy and often write my own books. If I get sick, I don't take medicine, just drink water. The medical skill is also very good, and I have written ten volumes of prescriptions. I'm glad I can't bear to bow down, but I refuse to make a pilgrimage. Gaozu and Taizu don't hate each other. Since you're not looking for your next of kin in the province, if you don't make any mistakes, you'll have to leave the city and never enter the six customs. In the 19th year of Yuanjia, he died at the age of seventy-three.
Zijun died young.
Yang Xin is from Mount Chengnan. Great-grandfather Yang Chen was the secretariat of Xuzhou in Jin Dynasty. Grandfather Yang Quan worked as Huang Menlang. Father sheep is not in doubt, and he is the prefect of Guiyang.
When Yang Xin was young, he was quiet, not competitive with others, laughing, good-looking and well-behaved. Read classics, especially good at official script. There is no doubt that Yang Xin was twelve years old when he was appointed as the magistrate of Wucheng. At that time, Wang Xianzhi Ren Yuxing was a satrap and appreciated him very much. Dedicated to the summer in Wucheng County, the main wizard is taking a nap in a new silk skirt. Dedication wrote a few words on the skirt and left. Yang Xin used to be good at calligraphy, so his calligraphy has improved. At first, he joined the army as an assistant country and returned to China after the dissolution of the military government. During the Long 'an period, the political affairs in the DPRK gradually became chaotic, and Yang Xin lived at home and stopped being an official. Wang Shizi Sima Yuan Xian of Huiji always asks Yang Xin to write a letter, but he often politely refuses to obey. Yuan was very angry, so he appointed him as his post-army station. This position was originally held by a poor family. But Yang Xin's attitude was calm and unhurried, and he was not angry because of his humble position. People praised him when they talked about it. Yang Xin went to see General Xie Hun, and Xie Hun brushed his seat and changed his clothes before meeting him. At that time, Xie Hun's family was present. After he left, he told his younger brother Xie Zhan, "When Wang Cai met Yang Xin, he changed his clothes and sat at the table." Sheep tarts are thus more famous.
Huan Xuan assisted in state affairs, led the generals, took Yang Xin as the day to join the army, and then turned to the main book to participate in confidential affairs. The wicked witch intentionally alienates Huan Xuan, and occasionally intentionally lets go.
Secret. Knowing Yang Xin's mind, Huan Xuan respected him more and more, appointed him as a corps commander in Taichu Hall, and said to him, "State affairs are presided over by Shangshu, and court ceremonies and music are formulated by Zhong Zhong Zhong. You used to be in a confidential position, and compared with your current position, it is still light. " Within a few days of taking office, Yang Xin resigned due to illness and lived in a secluded alley. She has not been an official for more than ten years.
During the reign of Yixi, his brother's sheep emblem was trusted and reused by Gaozu. Gaozu said to Zheng Xianzhi who joined the army: "Yang Hui was an outstanding talent for a while, and public opinion still thinks that he can't compare with his brother and can't get to know Yang Xin, which is regrettable." Then he wrote a book, supplemented the right generals Liu Fan Sima and Yang Xin, turned them into a long history, and served as a consultant to the general Liu Daoliu and joined the army. He also served as the new prefect. During his four years in the county, he was famous for his political generosity and love for the people. In addition to conferring Linchuan Wang Yiqing as the history of the country, Luling also participated in military vehicles and consultants, but he did not take office. Mao respected him very much and made him a new prefect for thirteen years. During this period, traveling around the mountains is a very pleasant thing. Later, he was transferred to Yixing Prefecture, which was not his favorite place. Soon, also known as a serious illness, he resigned and went home. Was awarded Dr. Zhong San.
He usually likes to study Huang Lao and often copies Huang Lao's classics by hand. He drank water instead of taking medicine when he was ill. The medical skill is also very good, and I have written ten volumes of prescriptions. Because Yang Xin couldn't bear to bow down and refused to take part in the pilgrimage, both Gaozu and Taizu regretted not seeing him. He won't go to other people's homes casually, unless he is visiting his close relatives. Travel must be outside the city. I have never been to Jiankang Gate. Yuanjia died in nineteen years at the age of seventy-three.
My son Yang Jun died a long time ago.
This is a complete version, not only complete, but also one more sentence, hehe.