Don't be in a hurry to treat people. There are five rites, and nothing is more important than sacrifice. Husband's sacrifice is not from the outside, but also from the heart; I was afraid of it and gave it a gift. Therefore, only saints can make just sacrifices.
The sacrifice of saints will be blessed. The so-called blessing is not the world. Blessed and prepared; Those who are prepared are also called obedient. If everything doesn't go well, it is prepared. Words: Be yourself, but obey the Tao. Loyal ministers take things as their monarch, and dutiful sons take things as their relatives. This is the first. On the one hand, it is obedient to ghosts and gods, on the other hand, it is obedient to the monarch, and on the other hand, filial piety is better than relatives. So it's called preparation.
Only the wise can prepare, prepare, and then sacrifice. Therefore, the sacrifices of sages are also: to make them loyal, loyal, courteous, enjoyable and involved at that time. This is just a suggestion. Don't ask for it. The heart of this dutiful son is also.
Sacrifice, so chasing filial piety. Filial piety is also an animal. By the way, without violating morality, it is called a livestock. Therefore, there are three ways to be close to the dutiful son: to raise him when he is born, not to mourn soon, and to sacrifice him when he is finished. If you raise it, you will see its smoothness, if you lose it, you will see its sadness, if you offer it, you will see its respect and time. Those who do these three things are also dutiful sons.
It is a shame to commit suicide at home and ask for help from abroad. So the monarch took his wife's words and said, "Please let your daughter and I * * * own our city and work in the temple country." . This is also the basis for asking for help. If the husband makes a sacrifice, the couple will kiss him, so he will prepare officials inside and outside; There are official preparations.