A gentleman works all day long. If he is late, he has no responsibility. What is the solution?

Confucius said, "A gentleman is loyal to the study of virtue, so he also goes to virtue. The rhetoric is sincere, so it is also a career. I know, I know, and I still have a few.

Knowing the end, you can be righteous. Therefore, being in the upper position is not arrogance, but not worrying about being in the lower position. Therefore, it is dangerous and blameless to do it because of its occasional warning. 」

This is a diligent and alert mentality, and it is also the psychological stage that those who make continuous progress in their work should reach. Some students who have just graduated from universities often feel very lost. At school, he may feel good about himself, have high expectations for the future and believe that he will achieve something. He hopes to make great achievements in his work and realize his ambition. However, in practical work, he will find many unknown difficulties. For example, in China, he will find it easy to have problems in interpersonal relationships. He may also find it difficult to implement a well-thought-out idea.

Others, doing 93 also represents this state. If you are in love, 92 is the moment when two people have confessed to each other and are in the high excitement and joy of just beginning to fall in love, and 93 is the moment when you find that "love is easy to get along with" after a period of love.

Or if you study calligraphy and martial arts, this will happen. At the beginning, learning is interesting, and it doesn't seem difficult, but if it continues, this period will appear, and you will find it difficult to make progress, or even feel worse than at the beginning. You will be very upset and lose confidence easily. A lot of things are like this. It seems simple and beautiful at first, but after the initial relaxation and pleasure, there will be a difficult period. This can be said to be the prototype of a situation. This happens because there are some obstacles. These factors will inevitably be encountered in a certain period of development. "Do it all day, do things." When you do something, you will find problems. When you do nothing, dreams and plans seem to be no problem. And you are changing, and at a certain time, new problems will appear. To make a simple analogy, if you are short, you may have no problem walking into the short door. When you grow taller, you will find that the door frame will always hit your head. It doesn't hit others on the head, but it hits you because you are taller than others. For example, at work, you may find a villain plotting against you; This may be because you have started to achieve something, or at least because you have the possibility of achieving something, so someone will be jealous of you. If you haven't made any achievements, no one is jealous of others; If you are really famous, you are not afraid of being jealous, because jealous people may not be able to shake you. Trees are not afraid of wind or rain. However, it is not enough to do 93. It is like a small tree, which is very dangerous in a storm. This is the so-called "93", which emphasizes rigidity but misses, neither in the sky nor in the ground. "Can't get up, can't get down. This is the 93rd job.

Whether you can persist in this period is the key to whether you can do it well. It is not easy to persist at this stage. Therefore, the Book of Changes is "complete", which I may interpret as "life shows its harsh side and dangerous side".

Although it doesn't look like a good situation, you can regard it as a good situation-only difficulties can exercise people, which is a cliche-but it won't lose its value because it is a cliche. "Old students" often talk about it because it is very important. After this difficult training stage, a young genius can become a mature man. Only after this stage can children who are not sensible become reliable adults.

People who fail at this stage are often because they are not serious enough or have a bad way of being a person. Young people tend to be more self-centered and less considerate of others' feelings. In young people, this is not a disadvantage, because everyone has to go through a self-centered process, and then slowly learn to cooperate with others. If all goes well for a young man, he will have no chance to learn these things. Forcing him to study is not smooth. For example, when young men and women fall in love for the first time, although they are very devoted, they often hurt each other because they don't know how to get along with others. Ask too much of each other and can't be tolerant. Young people who just work are sometimes headstrong and sloppy, and they are not pleasing to the eye with their bosses, but they don't understand other people who work with them.

In order to develop smoothly in this period, the attitude you need is to take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate your own character. "Working all day" means working hard and being conscientious. "Vigilance" means always being vigilant. We should not only be alert to the harm of the outside world, but also be alert to our own shortcomings such as frivolous, irresponsible and complaining. Only in this way can we be "blameless". This process is what Confucius called "studying in Germany". "Excellence without arrogance", you won't encounter too much jealousy (you will still encounter jealousy); "Don't worry about the next position". If you don't get any results for the time being, you should keep a good mental state. In the psychological consultation of white-collar workers, I found that their problem is that they can't "be in the next position without worrying". For them, the metaphor I often use is: the process of life is like climbing a mountain. It may not be far to see the top of the mountain, but it will take a long walk. We should aim high with the ultimate goal of reaching the top of the mountain. But we should also be soberly aware that this process takes time and cannot be accomplished overnight. If you don't realize this timeliness, you will be impatient and anxious. In psychoanalysis, we attach great importance to the acquisition of "realism", which is a manifestation of psychological maturity. Knowing that it takes time to achieve the goal and accepting this reality wholeheartedly is the sense of reality. Another thing to note is that the attitude towards your own shortcomings and deficiencies is "if". Don't forcibly suppress your shortcomings, you just need to be alert to it and remind yourself from time to time. If forced to suppress, there will also be psychological problems.