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Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology, Nordic mythology, the twelve knights of Charlemagne.
King Arthur:
Egyptian mythology
Lord god:
Monk: God.
Lara: the sun god.
Anubis: the guardian of the tomb, escorting souls to another world, in the shape of a wolf's head.
Horus: God of vengeance, guardian of kingship, shaped like an eagle.
Isis/Auset: wife of Osiris, mother of Horus, mother of the earth, and also in charge of life.
Nut: God of the sky.
Osiris: Pluto also rules abundance.
Adon: Sun God.
Atum: The Sun God at dusk.
Khons/Chons: Son of Moon God Amon and Mott, also in charge of medicine.
Shu: God of air.
Min/Menu (Amsu): the patron saint of travelers, and also in charge of production and harvest.
Mo (Month/Mentu, Men Thu): Division of war, in the shape of an eagle's head.
Mott/Auramooth: The wife of Amon in charge of the war, in the shape of a lion.
Thoth: The God of Wisdom.
Seth: God of Chaos.
God of animals:
Best (Buster/Busteto Goddess): Cat God.
Edjo: the snake god, the symbol and patron saint of Lower Egypt.
Hector: Frog God.
Capri: Scarab.
Sadie: The God of Elephants.
Sekhmet: the goddess of lioness.
Lequet: the god of scorpions.
Sobec: The God of Crocodiles.
Other gods:
Anuket: Water God.
Apis: the god of fertility and production in the shape of a bull.
Beth: The God of Music.
Geb (Seb): God of the earth,
harpo crats/hor-pa-kraat; Golden Dawn (Hoor-par-kraat): Horus's childhood title.
Hassall/Hutt-Helu (Hutt-Helu): Horus's wife, in charge of love and wealth.
Imhotep/Imotis: the patron saint of medicine and towers.
Matt: God of justice and order.
Naith (Neith/Net,Neit; Golden dawn: the god of wisdom and war.
Necbert: the patron saint of Upper Egypt.
Nefertis: The mother of Anubis and the patron saint of the dead.
God of creation.
Qetesh: God of love and beauty.
Shekel: god of light.
Tefnut: Rain God.
Horus (four sons of Horus): Protector of Pluto's body.
Amsett: One of the four sons of Horus, the protector of the deceased's liver.
Hapi (Golden Dawn, Ahfei): One of the four sons of Horus, the protector of the dead's lungs.
Dumet (Du Amter, Tu Amter; Golden Dawn (Thmoomathph): One of Horus' four sons, the patron saint of the deceased's stomach.
Keben Hanuev: One of Horus' four sons, the protector of the deceased's intestines.
Ra (sometimes spelled Re or Rah, also called Atum) was the sun god of Heliopolis in ancient Egypt. Starting from the fifth dynasty, Dora and the Thebes God Amon became one, becoming the most important god in the Egyptian divinity system. For more than ten centuries, Elah was the highest god in Egypt until Okhennathan (namely Amenhotep IV). Worship other than Atong (the sun god whose image is a sun gear) is prohibited. Later, his worship was combined with Khrushchev.
Laura is a god of self-creation. He was born in the water (Mehturt, a mound created by eight ogdaods) or lotus in the early Yuan Dynasty. He created harmony with semen or secretions, Hu and Xia with penis blood, and human beings with tears.
The sun is pulling the whole body, or just his eyes. In Heliopolis (the worship center of Los Angeles), he is also worshipped as Adon, the god of the rising sun, and ATEM, the god of the sunset. Los Angeles is called Adon in the morning and ATEM at night. Later, it merged with Horus.
Although Dora and ATEM ("Terminator or Sequential Win-Win") are the same god, ATEM is only used in some special occasions. It is mainly a symbol of the sunset, and it is also a substitute for the creator of Hugh and Tefnut. In some myths, ATEM only refers to ATEM·ATEM created by Buta as the father of Heck.
ATEM, the leader of Enid, is often portrayed as a black cow. He has the shape of a snake, lizard, beetle, lion, bull and wasp.
Rashin goes to the underworld by boat every night under the escort of Seth and Mehen (to guard against the attack of Apep and other monsters). On this journey, he appeared as Auf Ra or Efu Ra.
On one occasion, Hassall and Barbara had an argument, and she left Egypt in a fit of pique. Barbara soon began to miss Hassall, but Hassall turned herself into a cat and attacked all the gods and people close to her. Finally, she was persuaded by Tutankhamun to return to Egypt.
The identity of Emmon-La, together with Zeus and Jupiter, was recognized by the Greeks and Romans. The Greeks even gave Thebes a name "Dios Bohris"-"The City of Zeus". Emmon-Ra sometimes has the image of a phoenix.
The symbol of pull is a golden disk or a symbol of a circle with a point in the middle.
Shu is the Shen Feng and one of the nine pillars in Egyptian mythology. He was created by ATEM with his own semen or secretion (mucus). He married his sister Tefnut and gave birth to Nate and Gaby. He stood on his son Gaby, the god of the earth, and held his daughter Nate, the god of the sky, in his hand to separate them.
In works of art, Hugh is usually depicted as a man with ostrich hair on his head.
Tefnut is one of the gods in charge of rain, fertility and nine pillars in Egyptian mythology. She was created with her own semen or secretions. She married her brother Hugh and gave birth to Gabe and Nate.
On one occasion, Tevernut and Hugh had an argument, and she left Egypt in a rage. Hugh soon began to miss Tefnut, but she became a cat and attacked all the men and gods who approached her. Finally, Tu Tu persuaded her to go back to Egypt in disguise. This is very similar to the story of Lala and Hassall. )
Geb (also known as Seb Seb or Keb Kaib) is the god of earth and fertility in ancient Egypt, the son of Hugh and Tefnut, and one of the nine pillars gods. This belief in ancient Egypt is different from that in other parts of the world. In other myths, the god of the earth is usually depicted as a goddess. Gaibu's image is goose head, and his body is green or black. Gaby holds the souls of evil people so that they can't enter heaven.
Gaby married Knodt and gave birth to Osiris, Ai Xisi, Seth and Nefertis.
Nout (also known as Nout) is the god of the sky in Egyptian mythology. Compared with other gods who often appear in male images in myths, nuts are a goddess. Nut is the daughter of Hugh and Tefnut, one of the nine pillars gods.
Laura, the sun god, entered her mouth after sunset every night and was reborn from her vulva the next morning. She devours and regenerates the stars in this way.
Knot is also the goddess of death, and her image is painted on the inner wall of most sarcophagus. Pharaoh will enter her body after death and will be reborn soon.
In works of art, Nat's image is a naked woman who is supported by Hugh and covered with stars. Opposite her (the sky) is her husband Gaby (the earth).
Knodt married Gaby and gave birth to Osiris, Ai Xisi, Seth and Nefertis.
Osiris (also known as Usiris) is one of the nine pillar gods in Egyptian mythology and one of the most important gods in ancient Egypt. He was born again and again. He was finally buried in the city of Abedos, where he was the patron saint.
Osiris is the son of Gebu, the god of the earth, and Knot, the god in charge of the underworld. In Egypt, Osiris is also the god of fertility and agriculture. He and his wife Ai Xisi gave birth to Horus. According to the book of death, his eldest son's name is Beb. Later, it joined forces with Seck and Buta to become [[Buta-Seck-Osiris], and it was also equated with Hereshaf.
Ai Xisi (Isis, Greek; In Egyptian, it is called Asset Asset, one of the nine pillars of ancient Egypt, and was born again and again.
At first, Aisis was the goddess in charge of the imperial power (in hieroglyphics, her name included the word "throne"). Later, during the reign of Greece, she became the patron saint of sailors.
Ai Xisi is the daughter of Gaby, the God of the Earth, and Knodt, the God of the Earth. She married her brother Osiris and gave birth to Horus. Osiris was murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth. Later, Aisis pieced Osiris' body together and revived him (which linked Aisis' image with the underworld and funeral worship), and she gave birth to Horus with him in Kemnis Wetland. Besides Horus, she is also Min's mother (some people say Min).
Aisis and her sister Naftis are both protectors of the dead. They often appear in human form at both ends of the coffin, spreading their wings to protect the dead. Both sisters have magical powers.
Seth (also known as Set, Setekh, etc. ) was originally the god of power, war, storm, desert and outland in Egyptian mythology. He protected the caravan in the desert, but at the same time launched a sandstorm to attack them. He is the son of Gaby and Knodt, the husband of Nefertis, and one of the nine pillars. His image is closely combined with Ashe (the God of the Sahara Desert).
According to Herodotus, a Greek historian, Seth was the first god worshipped by Berbers. Some scholars believe that Saite is Poseidon, the sea god of Barbary.
One of Seth's more common nicknames is "Great Power". In a pyramid text, it is expounded that the power of the king is the power of Seth.
Seth was by his side when Apollo went to the underworld at night. Most notably, he fought and killed Apep, the evil snake of darkness who attacked Rashin every night.
Later, when Seth's brother Osiris became a much more important god, Seth was gradually regarded as his opposite. Because of a myth that Seth killed Osiris in battle, Seth began to become an evil god.
Seth is often compared with Horus. Because Horus is a god, Seth is also regarded as the god of the land. Metal ores from underground are called "bones of Seth". In 3000 BC, Saite replaced Horus as the patron saint of Pharaoh; But when the legend of Seth's murder of his brother spread, Horus was replaced.
Seth's image is usually a jackal with rectangular ears and a long curved and protruding mouth. Some people think that this actually depicts a local pig, or another unidentified beast. In addition to the animals mentioned above, Seth is sometimes depicted as having the head of an antelope, donkey, crocodile or hippopotamus.
Nephthys is the patron saint of the dead and the god of fertility in Egyptian mythology. She is one of the nine pillars gods. "Nefertis" is also the name of the oldest woman in a family. She may be a transformation of Bat or Neith.
In Egyptian art, her hair looks like a shroud. She is depicted as a basket or a small house overhead, sometimes a woman with wings, sometimes a kite, falcon, falcon or other birds. She is the daughter of Gaby and Nat, and the wife of Seth. Anubis, born with Seth. She often appears in works of art with her sister Aisi.
Lord god:
Amon is the Greek name of an Egyptian god, which translates as? Mn, meaning "hidden person" (also spelled "Amon"). He is one of the eight Ogdoads, and his spouse is Mutt.
At first, he was just a local god in Thebes. At that time, Thebes was just an unknown town on the east bank of the Nile, located in the surrounding area of today's Karnak Temple. The 1 1 dynasty originated from a family in Hermon Hite (or perhaps Thebes), who decorated temples with statues. Amon's name was incorporated into the name of Amon Nimhurt, the founder of the 12th dynasty. The name was inherited by his three heirs. Several kings of the Middle Kingdom also adopted the same name; The 17 dynasty in Thebes drove out the Hixos, and Amon was once again highlighted as the god of the imperial city.
However, it was not until the rulers of the 18th dynasty drove their victorious troops from all directions to the border that Amon began to become a universally recognized god in Egypt, excluding other Egyptian gods and even going out of Egypt to become the god of the universe. The pharaohs attributed all their victories to Amon and spent wealth and labor on the temple of Amon.
Amon is depicted as a human figure, wearing a headband with two parallel feathers sticking out straight from the headband. This may symbolize the tail feather of an eagle. Amon has two common images: one is sitting on a throne, and the other is standing with a whip, much like the gods of Coptos and Akhmim. The latter may be his original image. God of fertility. The king cultivates the land to be sown or harvests ripe grain before him. His spouse is sometimes called amaunet (negative word for amunemmon), but is usually called Mut. She has a head and wears a double crown of upper and lower Egypt. Their son's name is Jones.
The name of the sun god Ra is sometimes combined with the name of Amon, especially when he is the "king of the gods". In Egypt, the sovereignty of the kingdom of heaven belongs to the sun god, and Amon is the highest god, so logically speaking, Amon is La. Amon is called "the king of the two continents on the throne", or more proudly "the king of the gods".
Horus (also known as Heru-sa-Aset, Horu = sand = aset, Hrw, Hr and Hor-Hekenu) is the patron saint of Pharaoh in ancient Egyptian mythology and a symbol of kingship. His image is the god of eagle head.
Like many other gods, the essence of Horus, as well as the stories and legends about him, are constantly changing with the development of history. Horus can be regarded as a combination of many other gods related to imperial power and the sky. And most of these gods are sun gods. This is very similar to the Christian view of the Trinity of God.
Heru-ur (also known as Harmerti Hamedi) is the earliest version in Horus. He is the creator of the falcon shape. His eyes are the sun and the moon. When the new moon appeared, he became blind and was called Mekhenty-er-irty (meaning "man without eyes"); When his eyesight recovered, he was also called Khenty-irty (meaning "a man with eyes"). Horus is very dangerous when he is blind. He sometimes mistook his friends for enemies and launched an attack. He is the son of Gaby and Knodt and the patron saint of Letopolis.
As a child, Horus was called Har-pa-khered (meaning "Horus" and called Harpocrates in Greek), and he was the son of Osiris and Ai Xisi or Banebdjetet and Hatmehit. He is depicted as a naked boy with fingers, sitting on the lotus with his mother. This form of Horus is a god of fertility, and he often carries a cornucopia. During the Roman Empire, the image of Hal-Pa-Heller was widely circulated, when he was depicted riding a goose or a ram (note that his father Banebdjetet was a ram god).
Later, Horus was clearly identified as the body of Osiris, the son of Ai Xisi (or the locust tree that appeared from Saos). This is often quoted as "Horus" in many academic works.
As Har-nedj-itef (called Harendotes in Greek), Horus is Osiris' guardian in the underworld.
As Behedti, Horus is Behdet (now Edfu), where his image is closely linked with Falcon.
As a Chenti-irti, Horus is an eagle god in charge of law and order.
Later, Horus began to combine with the image of La, especially in Heliopolis, and began to be called La-Herleheti (also called La-Heru-Ahti, Her- Ahti (meaning "Horus with double horizons") and Hal-Em-Ahti (meaning "Horus on the horizon").
Anhur is the name of Horus, a combination of Hugh.
In 3000 BC, Saite replaced Horus as the patron saint of Pharaoh. However, when the legend of Seth's murder of his brother spread, Horus was replaced again. There was a battle between Horus and Seth that lasted for eighty years. Horus ripped off Seth's testicles and a leg, and Seth gouged out Horus's left eye (Horus was called "monocular" from now on). Horus later found his eyes. With the support of Ness, Horus won the battle and became the ruler of upper and lower Egypt (it is also said that Horus and Seth were in charge of upper and lower Egypt).
Horus has four sons. In the Egyptian belief about funeral, they put the internal organs of the deceased in four jars: stomach, intestine, lung and liver.
Anubis is a god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology and is sometimes regarded as the god of the underworld. He is the son of Seth and Nefertis. His name is pronounced more like "Ampu" in hieroglyphics.
Anubis has the head of a wolf (or other canines), and the wolf is his symbol. The image of this jackal is closely related to its role in mythology. Because the jackal is a scavenger, a scavenger of corpses, which is closely related to death. He is also considered as the guardian of the dead. In works of art, Anubis is depicted as a man with a wolf's head, ears pricked up and a whip in his hand.
Anubis was originally the king of the underworld, but with the worship of Osiris, he became a gatekeeper. As a janitor, Anubis' main duty is to compare the soul of the deceased with Matt's feathers on the balance. If the soul is as light as a feather, Anubis will take him to see Osiris, or feed him to Anmit.
The worship of Anubis may even be earlier than Osiris. In Unas's text (line 70), he is associated with the eye of Horus. In the Book of Death, he oiled Osiris's body, wrapped it in linen woven by Ai Xisi and Nefertis, and put his hand on Osiris's body to protect him.
Thoth, also translated as Thoth or Thoth, is the god of wisdom in ancient Egyptian mythology, responsible for guarding moire and priests. According to legend, he was the inventor of ancient Egyptian characters.
At the beginning of heaven and earth
In the early days of Egyptian history, Egyptians worshipped the animals of their country: crocodiles, bulls, cats, baboons, snakes, beetles and so on. Later, they created their own gods in human form, but still kept the heads of animals, with human bodies attached to them, such as the Egyptian god Amenra (the sun god), and sometimes used the heads of rams as symbols; Hassall, the goddess of parenting, holds a cow's head; The fierce Sivir Schekmet has a lion's head; Toth, the god of science, is the head of a white crane.
According to the ancient Egyptians, at the beginning of heaven and earth, Buda, the god of creation, made an original egg on his pottery cart, from which the universe hatched. Knodt, the god of the sky, and Kaibu, the god of the earth, combined to give birth to Osiris and Isis, and then Osiris and Isis got married. Nate and Cabe also gave birth to Seth and Nefertis, and they also got married.
Because of Egyptians' belief in God, eternal life and their attention to funerals, Egypt has left many temples and tombs. Since ancient times, Egyptians have believed that many things are sacred, not only giving names to gods, but also believing in them. For example, the god who believes in animal images (sacred animals) is a feature. Some gods are just animal images, some gods just put an animal's head on a human body, some gods have symbols of God on their heads, and some are human beings with symbols of God in their hands.
From the first dynasty to the fourth dynasty, people believed in Confucius. Everyone thinks that Pharaoh is a descendant of Confucius and a representative of Confucius on the earth. The god of Confucius is the god of light, appearing in the form of an eagle, and the beast of Confucius is also an eagle. Pharaoh's name is usually painted with an eagle.
Fifth, after the Six Dynasties, the god worshipped by Egypt gradually changed into the sun god "La". In the new imperial era, faith was transferred to Amon, who became the national god of Egypt.
Every god in Egypt has his sphere of influence, and every different place has the same requirements for different gods, and different places also have the same requirements for different gods, and different gods may have the same function. As for the personality of each god, it is more difficult to master.
Generally speaking, Egyptian gods can be divided into three types: (1) animal type (2) human type (3) abstract type.
In addition, it is divided into three systems by region:
Buda, the god of craftsmen in Memphis, the creator of the world. He existed before the world appeared. The way he created the world was through his thoughts and language. Everything he thought and said, including other gods, was created by him.
(2) The system developed in the ancient kingdom and centered on Bohris, Haario believed that before the world was created, there was a great god Atom who fertilized himself and gave birth to air (Hugh) and water vapor (Tafner); The combination of air and water vapor produces the sky (nut) and the earth (GEB); Heaven and earth gave birth to four children, namely Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nefertis, who are the creators of all things in the world.
(3) From the city of Hermopolis in southern Upper Egypt, the creative process is quite abstract. When the world is chaotic, there are four pairs of gods, which belong to four attributes: darkness, profundity, invisibility and infinity. These eight gods created the world, and they represent unknown times or unknown local characteristics respectively.
juvenile water
The belief in raw water is a common view in the three systems, but there are different explanations.
There are eight meanings about helmer Palisse. They are also eight gods, and these eight gods are expressed by men and women who hold the four characteristics of primitive water. The male god Nawu and the goddess Naide represent the "abyss"; The male god crouches, and the goddess Haudehai expresses "infinity"; The male god Cook and the goddess Ka Kvid mean "darkness"; The male god Eminem and the goddess Amauz mean "invisible".
In Ba Shen, the male god is the head of a frog and the female god is the head of a snake. It is said that these gods swam around in primitive water and laid primitive eggs here, but there is another saying that these eggs were laid by giant ducks or geese. In addition, in The Inheritance of the Throne, it is also said that the lotus was born from the initial water, and the lovely child flew out of the lotus, and he created the world. And this child refers to the sun in the morning and then merge with the lotus in the evening.
In the myth of helmer Palisse, the Lord of the universe once said: I created all kinds of gods with sweat and human beings with tears. In ancient Egyptian painting, calling people Roumette can be interpreted as tears.
In the legend of Heliopolis, it is believed that Yatum created the power of all kinds of gods in the world. This is also because there is another saying that Yatum is the son of the original water tender, which means that after the flood, Yatum stood on the rock and spit out the male god Hugh and the goddess Taifner. Hugh combined with Tafner, the goddess, and gave birth to Kebu, the male god, and Nutt, the goddess. When the two of them were about to get married, they were separated by their father, Hugh, who put Cabe on the ground and sent Nate to heaven. But they got married and gave birth to Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nefertis. They are the gods of four pillars.
Osiris is the eldest son of the land god Kaibu and the goddess Nutt. After he became king, he taught the Egyptians to farm the land and let them understand the benefits of civilization. The fact that Zeze is covered by the whole territory of Egypt makes the weather in the territory stable and peaceful, leading people from the era of eating blood to the road of civilization. Osiris's brother Seth, the god of darkness and desert, was very jealous of him, so he put him in a box and exiled him to the Nile. The box flowed to the port of Byblos in Finich, and then Osiris's wife Isis took it back to Egypt. In the process of looking after the box, she gave birth to her son Hall.
When Seth found the box containing Osiris, he broke the box, dismembered Osiris's body and scattered the pieces of the body all over the Nile. Isis is very sad. She traveled all over the country along the Nile, and finally collected all the scattered body fragments, and asked Anubis, the god of funeral, to tie the fragments with a belt to make it the first mummy. Isis licked the corpse with his own wings, and joined hands with his sister Nefertis to use magic to bring Osiris back to life, and Osiris became the king of the underworld. Hall and his uncle Seth are fighting for the throne on the ground. Finally, through the arbitration of the gods, Hall inherited his father's authority on Egyptian land, and Osiris became the god of the Nile and ruled the underworld.
As this legend tells us, everyone believes that the king of the earth is Hall, who rules everything on the earth, and Osiris rules the nether world.
During the period of the Middle Kingdom, Osiris's beliefs became more and more popular and powerful. At this time, many people went to bury St. Abidus in Osiris to worship. In order to pray for the happiness of their families in the underworld, they built monuments or statues.
The story of Osiris is usually described in the grave. There are many pictures of Osiris leading a king, queen or nobleman after his death, or pictures of the deceased holding something for Osiris. In the picture, Osiris wears a white crown decorated with two feathers on both sides and holds famous dust and water in his hand. These things are symbols of the dominator, showing the dignity of the king of the underworld.
Isis usually has double horns and a sun disk on its head, with hieroglyphs of isis on it, and ankh, a symbol of life, on its hand. Sometimes she often appears in the posture of holding a child in her arms.
The trial of the deceased
Yanubis, who mummified Osiris, used to be the patron saint of a place, but later became the patron saint of death, specializing in burial and mummification. He is usually shaped like a coyote.
The deceased was brought to Osiris by Anubis (a god with a dog's head), and the deceased tried to prove his innocence before his death. The heart is considered as the habitat of human consciousness, so the heart is placed in a balance, and the other side of the balance is a feather symbolizing justice. If the heart is heavier than a feather, it will not pass the judgment, and the dead will be handed over to the devil with the crocodile head. If feather is the most important thing, the deceased is a good man without fault, and then the deceased will be taken to the paradise of the underworld by Hall to live forever. However, living in the promised land, Osiris had to be cultivated in turn on a regular basis, so it evolved into putting dolls in the graves of the dead and working instead of the dead.
Hassall (Hett-Heru, Hett-Hurt)
Horus's wife.
The prolific Egyptian goddess is the most beautiful of all ancient Egyptian goddesses, and her appearance has become a bull. One of the oldest goddesses in Egypt, known as the goddess of the sky in Greek. She is often regarded as the wife of Horus, who is worshipped mainly in Edfu, just like Isis. In Thebes, it was once considered as a god of death, but it was generally regarded as the god of love, dance, wine and foreign countries.
Greek mythology:
Nordic mythology:
The Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne
King Arthur:
If you like novels, read Space for the Gods or dnd books. dnd refers to the multiverse of abyss, hell and paradise mountain, and is listed as "dark elves".