Among them, Wang Xianzhi's Mourning Post is priceless. And this priceless treasure was also brought to Japan by Jian Zhen during his eastward journey. As a book sage, Wang Xizhi's original works of Mo Bao can be said to be priceless in any dynasty after being recognized by people. It is this priceless treasure that was brought to Japan by Jian Zhen, and it has been lost in our country since then.
However, although it is said that Jian Zhen Du Dong took some cultural relics from the Tang Dynasty, it is really not recognized by people. But in fact, the real historical significance of Jian Zhen's eastward crossing is that it promoted the cultural exchange between the Tang Dynasty and Japanese society at that time. It can be said that Jian Zhen made great contributions to the Tang Dynasty in terms of cultural exchange, and also made great contributions to China's absorption of other cultures at that time. Moreover, the advanced technology and culture brought by Jian Zhen in those years can be said to have saved Japan the detours of 1000 years.
Until today, the historical topic of Jian Zhen Dongdu is still talked about by people. Even in today's society, there are many symbolic materials to commemorate Jian Zhen. For example, there is a statue of Jian Zhen and a Jian Zhen Park in Beijing Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital.