Wang Wei, courtesy name Mojie, was from Taiyuan. He could write poetry at the age of nine. Especially good at cursive official script and proficient in music. King Qi valued him very much. Wang Wei was about to take the imperial examination. King Qi said to him: "Your poems are beautiful and unconventional. I can copy a few of them and add new music to the pipa to compose a piece of music. Let's go to the palace of the Nine Princesses together."
Wang Wei did as King Qi said. On this day, several actors gathered around Wang Wei to perform a newly composed piece of music. The Ninth Princess asked what the title of the piece was. Wang Wei replied: "This is "Yulunpao"." Wang Wei then took out the poem volume.
The Ninth Princess said: "These are (poems) that I often recite. I thought they were the works of ancients, but they turned out to be your masterpieces!" Then she invited Wang Wei to come to the table and said: "The capital can get it." It’s such an honor for this scholar to be Jieyuan!”
The Ninth Princess therefore fully recommended Wang Wei. In the 19th year of Kaiyuan, Wang Wei won the first prize in the examination and was promoted to Youshiyi, and soon he was promoted to Shizhong. The rebels captured Chang'an and Luoyang, and the emperor fled. Wang Wei escorted him, but he fell behind during the journey and was captured by the rebels.
He took medicine and pretended that he could not speak, but An Lushan cherished his talent, so he was still forced to take up his original position in Luoyang, one of the two capitals in the east, and was detained in Pushi Temple. The rebels held a banquet in Ningbi Pond and all summoned Liyuan musicians to perform various instrumental music.
Wang Wei mourned and composed a poem: "Thousands of households are sad and the wild smoke is burning. When will hundreds of officials go to heaven again? The locust flowers fall in the palace in autumn, and the orchestra plays on the top of the green pond." The poem was recited where the emperor stayed. .
After the rebellion was put down, the imperial court convicted all those who held false positions in the rebels. Only because the emperor knew Wang Wei's thoughts revealed by reciting poems in Ningbi Pond, he was spared. . Wang Wei later became Minister Youcheng.
Wang Wei's poems are classified as excellent and the best, as are the concepts of his paintings. As for the broad and profound artistic conception in (Wang Wei's) landscape (painting), the shape of the clouds, and the color of the mountains and rocks, they are all achieved only by his outstanding talent and cannot be learned by (others).
He himself once wrote a poem: "The contemporary poets are poets, and their predecessors were painters." Later generations commented on Wang Wei that "there is painting in the poem, and there is poetry in the painting." This is indeed the case. A guest showed Wang Wei "Pressing the Music", and Wang Wei said: "This is the first beat of the third stack of "Neon Shang"."
When the guest compared it with the original piece, it turned out to be true. In his later years, Wang Wei sincerely believed in Buddhism. He ate vegetables and wore simple clothes for a long time. He stopped marrying after his wife died and lived alone for thirty years. Wang Wei's villa is located in Wangchuan, south of Lantian County, opposite the pavilion.
Wang Wei once described the scenery and peculiar scenery there. Every day he traveled to scenic spots with Qiu Wei, Pei Di, Cui Xingzong and other literati, wrote poems, played the piano and drank wine, and enjoyed themselves. Later, he petitioned to turn his residence into a Buddhist temple.
Before his death, he wrote a letter to say goodbye to his relatives and friends, stopped writing and passed away. Emperor Daizong sought Wang Wei's articles, and his younger brother Wang Jin compiled his poems into ten volumes and dedicated them to the emperor. His poems and essays are still circulating in the world today.
Original text:
Wei, named Mojie, was from Taiyuan. At the age of nine, he knew his own words. Gongcaoli, Xianyin rhythm. King Qi paid great attention to it. General Wei was elected, and King Qi said: "Zi's poems are more pure and clear, and he can record several chapters. His pipa has a new sound, and he can play a song. He is the same as the Nine Princesses."
Wei is as he said. On that day, all the actors gathered together to perform a solo. The master asked what the name was, and said, "Yulun Pao." Because the poem was published in a volume. The master said: "I am accustomed to satire. Do you think this is an ancient work, and it is the best work of Zi?"
In the 19th year of Kaiyuan, he passed the imperial examination and passed the imperial examination. He was promoted to the right and moved to Shizhong. The thieves were trapped in two capitals, but luckily happened to be with them. The guards never arrived, so they were captured. After taking medicine, they said they were suffering from mute disease. Lushan loved his talent and forced him to go to Luoyang to take up his old position and was detained in Pushi Temple.
The thieves had a banquet in the Ningbi Pond, and all the workers in the pear garden were invited to join in the fun. Wei mourned and wrote a poem: "Thousands of households are sad and smoke is growing wild, when will hundreds of officials rise to the sky again? The autumn locust flowers have fallen into the palace, and the Ningbi Pond has fallen. "The first thing is to play the orchestra." Poems are heard everywhere. After the thieves were eliminated, all those who were appointed false officials were condemned, but Duwei was spared. He became Minister Youcheng.
Wei’s poems are of exquisite quality, and so are his painting thoughts. As far as the mountains and horizons, the clouds, the shapes of the rocks, they are all revealed by heaven's secrets, which cannot be achieved without learning. Ziwei's poem says: "Contemporary poets are poets, and their predecessors are painters.
" Later generations commented that "there are paintings in poems, and poems in paintings." It's true.
Some people used "Yunle Tu" to show the dimension, saying: "This is the third stack of "Neon Shang" that was originally taken. also. "The antiphon is true. I am dedicated to Buddhism, eat vegetarian food and wear simple clothes. I lost my wife and never married again, and lived alone for thirty years. The villa is in Nanwangchuan, Lantian County, with pavilions and pavilions facing each other.
Try to write it yourself The scenery was marvelous, and he visited and wrote poems with the scribes Qiu Wei, Pei Di, and Cui Xingzong. Later, he asked to leave his house as a temple. Before his death, he wrote a letter to relatives and friends, and stopped writing the article about Daizong's visit to Wei. Jinji's poems and other ten volumes are handed down to the world today.
Extended information:
Wang Wei's literary achievements:
Wang Wei's landscape poems. As for the structure of the picture, it should be rich in layers, with distance and near being communicated, and even movement and stillness, with good sound and color, and more dynamic and musical beauty. There are distant and near views, looking up and down, cold and warm colors, the sound of human voices and water, and the beauty of the painting. The beauty of music and poetry are fully combined.
The painting environment of Wang Wei's poems has the characteristics of light and quiet human nature, which is the soul of the painting scenes in Wang Wei's poems. While describing scenery, many of Wang Wei's poems are also full of emotion.
Many of Wang Wei's landscape poems are full of strong local flavor and interest in life, expressing his leisure life and tranquil mood.
Wang Wei also talks about lovesickness, separation, care and comfort between friends. In Wang Wei's poems, he uses scenes to convey emotions, which makes his descriptions of scenes full of aftertaste, and his expressions are natural and subtle. And it has a profound aftertaste.
The beauty of Wang Wei's writing lies in his simple and popular description of realistic scenes, which contains deep and graceful emotions. Ode to lovesickness, it can be called a classic work that intoxicates the eternal lovesickness.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Biography of Wang Wei
Baidu Encyclopedia - Wang Wei