There are many saints in history. In addition to the "Sage of Calligraphy" Wang Xizhi; the "Sage of Painting" Wu Daozi; and the "Sage of History" Sima Qian, there are many famous people. Just like people call Confucius a "literary sage". In terms of medicine, Zhang Zhongjing is called the "Sage of Medicine", in terms of martial arts, Guan Yu is called the "Sage of Martial Arts", in terms of calligraphy, Wang Xizhi is called the "Sage of Calligraphy" and so on. There are outstanding talents in all aspects of history. This is something that we Chinese people are very proud of.
We all know Wang Xizhi in calligraphy. He was a well-known calligrapher during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. His "Preface to the Lanting Collection" is very famous and has the reputation of being the best cursive script in the world. Wang Xizhi can be said to be an all-rounder. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he served as General Ningyuan and as governor of Jiangzhou. He can be said to be an all-rounder with both literary and military skills. The most admirable thing is that his calligraphy broke away from the traditional writing methods of the Han and Wei Dynasties at that time. , wrote his own style of calligraphy, and had a profound influence. His calligraphy strokes are very subtle and euphemistic, which not only impressed the people involved, but also made them imitated by future generations.
In terms of medicine, we should also know Zhang Zhongjing, who was a famous medical scientist in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He described his dialectical principles for medical issues in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, and his new thinking is the basic principle of clinical TCM. At that time, "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" created a very practical dosage form in traditional Chinese medicine, which made a significant contribution to the development of medicine at that time. "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" is one of the most influential works on Chinese medicine. It successfully combines theory and practice. The success of this book also made Zhang Zhongjing a person, and we know that Zhang Zhongjing is still admired by many medical students.
In the five thousand years of China, talents have emerged in large numbers. Many talented people have made outstanding contributions to China. We should not only admire these saints, but also admire those talented people who have contributed to Chinese history.