Zi Gong asked: "Why is Confucius a' text'?" Confucius said: What does it mean to be "sensitive and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions, so it is called" Wen "?

Wen was the son of posthumous title, then king of Lu.

The whole sentence is explained as follows: Zi Gong asked: "Why did you give Kong Wen and A Zi' Wen' posthumous title?" Confucius said, "He is smart, diligent and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. He is from posthumous title."

Posthumous title: In order to draw a conclusion about historical figures, the ancients chose posthumous title to summarize them. Generally speaking, emperors, queens, princes and ministers with high social status in ancient history will be given an evaluation title by the court according to what they did before their death. This is posthumous title in the usual sense, which is used to highly summarize the life of a historical figure.

The Analects of Confucius and Ye Gong's novels.

The full text is as follows:

The son said to Gongye Chang, "Being a wife is not illegal, although she is in trouble!" With his son and wife.

Zi Min Nan Rong: "The state has a way not to waste; The country has no way to escape punishment. " Marry his brother's son as his wife.

The son called his son a bitch: "A gentleman is like a man! If Lu has no gentleman, how can he take Si? "

Zi Gong asked, "What about giving?" Confucius said, "Female also." He said, "What is it?" Say, "Yes."

Or: "He who is kind and kind is not jealous." Confucius said, "What's the use? A relative gives with his mouth and hates others again and again. I don't know its benevolence, why use it? "

The son made An Kai, the Seven Carvings, an official and said to him, "I can't trust you." Zi said.

Confucius said, "If the Tao doesn't work, why not take a fork and float on the sea?" Lutz was overjoyed, and Confucius said, "You Hao is braver than me and learns everything."

Meng Wubo asked, "Is Luz kind?" Confucius said, "I don't know." After asking again, Confucius said, "Ye Ye, if the country is multiplied by a thousand times, you can make it govern Fu, but you don't know its benevolence." "What can I ask?" Confucius said, "There are thousands of cities seeking truth, and there are hundreds of rides at home. You can kill it, I don't know its benevolence. " "What about red?" Confucius said, "Master Chi, if you stand in the court, you can talk to your distinguished guests and I don't know their gratitude."

Zi said to Zi Gong, "Which is better?" He said, "How dare you turn back if you give it? I also know a thing or two. " Confucius said, "You are my husband, and my daughter and I are my husband!"

Zaiyu slept during the day, and Confucius said, "You can't carve rotten wood, and the wall of dung can't be broken. Why punish it? " Confucius said: "I start with others, I listen to what they say and believe what they do;" Today, I am a man. I listen to his words and watch his actions. Giving and changing are. "

Confucius said, "I have never seen a righteous man." Or, "Shen." Confucius said, "I want it, but I can't be right."

Zi Gong said: "I don't want others to add me, I want to add others." Confucius said, "Giving is beyond your power."

Zi Gong said: "You can get and hear the master's articles; The nature of Confucius' words and nature of heaven cannot be obtained and heard. "

Lutz has a smell, but if you can't do it, you will be afraid of it.

Zi Gong asked, "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am sensitive and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is also a saying. "

Confucius said: "A gentleman has four ways: his way respects others, his business respects others, his benefits support others, and his righteousness is for the people."

Confucius said, "Yan is good at making friends with people and respects them for a long time."

Confucius said, "Zang Wenzhong lives in Cai, and the mountains are full of algae. How could he know? "

Zhang Zi asked, "Your third official, Wen Zi, is your son. You don't like it. Your third official is your son, and the management of your old son will be told to your new son. What should I do? " Confucius said, "Loyalty." Yue: "Is it benevolent?" Said: "I don't know, how can I be kind?" "Cui Ziji jun, Chen Wenzi has a horse ten times, and abandoned it. As for other countries, they said,' You are also my doctor Cui Zi.' Violate it. One of the states said, "You are my doctor, Cui Zi." What if it is violated? Confucius said, "I see. Say, "What about the benevolent? Say, if you don't know, how can you be kind? "

Ji Wenzi thought twice before acting. Wen Zi said, "I can do it again."

Confucius said, "Better my son, if you have a state-owned road, you will know, and if you have no road, you will be stupid.". Its knowledge is available, and it is stupid. "

Zi Zaichen said, "Go home! Return to! The boys in our party are crazy, simple and talented. I don't know why he was cut. "

Confucius said, "Boyi and Shu Qi did not forget and hate the past, but hoped to repay their grievances."

Confucius said, "What does micro mean? Or ask for help and ask the neighbors for help. "

Confucius said, "Zuo Qiuming is ashamed of his clever words, good manners and full respect, and Qiu is ashamed of it. If you hide grievances and make friends with others, Zuo Qiuming is ashamed and autumn is ashamed. "

Yan Yuanhe was a teacher, and Confucius said, "Why do you say it?" Lutz said: "I wish my horse, horse, clothes and friends * * *, no regrets." Yan Yuan said: "I hope that there is no good cut, and I will get it for nothing." Lutz said, "I want to hear about Zizi's ambition." Confucius said, "Old people are safe, friends believe, and young people are pregnant."

Confucius said, "That's enough! I haven't seen anyone who can see it and tell himself in it. "

Confucius said, "There must be faithful people in a city with ten rooms. It is better to learn from the mountains."

The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of Confucian school, which was compiled by Confucius' disciples and their descendants. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and embodies Confucius' political opinions, logical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles. It is also called "Four Books and Five Classics" with Daxue, The Doctrine of the Mean, Mencius, The Book of Songs, Shangshu, Book of Rites, Yijing and Chunqiu. There are twenty popular Analects of Confucius.