Wang Xianzhi, the son of Wang Xizhi, has shown great talent since he was a child. Wang Xianzhi is no worse than his father Wang Xizhi in literature and calligraphy. Wang Xianzhi was born in a bureaucratic family, and he was very talented. Supposedly, such an excellent person should be an official. However, Wang Xianzhi is not such a person. He doesn't like intrigue in the court, but prefers to be his own son at home, so Wang Xianzhi stays at home all day and becomes a laid-back constantly chauffeured.
Wang Xianzhi has a childhood cousin who was also born in an official family. Although the family is not as prominent as Wang Xianzhi, it is also suitable. Wang Xianzhi and his cousin grew up together, and their cousin looks outstanding, so they have a deep friendship since childhood. Wang Xianzhi and his cousin hit it off very well. After reaching a certain age, their families held a wedding for them, and Wang Xianzhi and his wife lived a loving husband and wife life. Cousin also gave birth to a pair of children for Wang Xianzhi, and life can be said to be very happy.
However, something unexpected happened. The little daughter of the king admired Wang Xianzhi's talent very much. Because of her charming personality, she asked her father to arrange this marriage for herself. Later, the king ordered Wang Xianzhi to marry the princess. Of course, Xu can't be a man with a wife, so he can only divorce his wife because of the imperial decree. But Wang Xianzhi made his own efforts. In order not to let the princess marry him, he burned off his leg, but the princess finally married Wang Xianzhi. Wang Xianzhi's wonderful life ended, and he lived in the torment of illness for the rest of his life.