New file:
Open Photoshop CS6 and create a new file with a width and height of 500 pixels and a transparent background.
Draw a sealed path:
1. As shown in the figure, use the ellipse tool to select the "path" for the drawing object, hold down the "shift" key, and draw a right circle in the middle of the canvas;
2. In the Paths panel, double-click the working path and rename it Seal.
Draw the seal profile:
1. Select "Brush Tool" and set the size to "7 pixels" and the hardness to "90%";
2. Change the foreground color to red;
3. Right-click the "Seal" path under the path panel and select "Stroke Path";
4. Select "Brush" in the pop-up dialog box and click "OK";
5. Draw the outline of the seal.
Draw a text path and add text:
1. Right-click the Seal path under the path panel, select Copy Path, fill in Text in the dialog box, and click OK;
2. Press "ctrl+T" key to start the free-form tool, then press and hold "shift" key and use the mouse to adjust the diagonal, so as to appropriately narrow the "text" path and move it to a suitable position;
3. Select the "Horizontal Text Tool" and choose the appropriate font size and font to write the text on the "text" path (here is the "Baidu Experience Management Committee").
Draw a five-pointed star:
1, as shown above, select "Polygon Tool";
2. As shown below, the drawing object selects "shape", the shape selects "star", and the number of sides is set to 5;
3. Draw a pentagram with the right size in the right place;
4. Add some other words or graphics as needed (add the words "special seal" here).
1. Select File-Save;
2. Choose the appropriate format and path to save the picture.
PS: The image format saved in this example is ". Png ",because this format supports the transparency of image background and is convenient for adding images to other documents.
Matters needing attention
Under Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T), click Move Tool, and then select Apply or Don't Apply to exit the free transform.
Under the "Move" tool, check the toolbar "Show Transformation Control" to freely transform the graph.
Under the Text tool, move the mouse near the text path. When a dotted curve appears near the arrow, click the mouse to add the text to the text path.