Once, he asked his father to teach him the secret of calligraphy. Wang Xizhi didn't answer directly, but pointed to eighteen water tanks in the yard and said, "The secret lies in these water tanks. You will know after you write about the water in these tanks. "
Wang Xianzhi, as the son of a scholar, naturally has a good hand. He refused to accept it. He thinks he is small, but his handwriting is already very good. He is determined to practice the basic skills again and show it to his father.
He imitates his father's handwriting every day and practices horizontal, vertical, dot, left and right strokes. It took him two years to show his handwriting to his father.
Father smiled without a word, and mother said, "It's a bit like iron."
Wang Xianzhi practiced all kinds of hooks for two years, and then showed them to his father. His father didn't say anything, and his mother said, "It's a bit like a silver hook."
Wang Xianzhi began to practice complete words. After four years of practice, he showed his father the words he had written.
After reading it, Wang Xizhi added a little under the word "big" written by his son, and it became the word "too" because he thought the word "big" written by his only son was too tight and too loose.
After reading the handwriting, the mother sighed and said, "My son has been practicing calligraphy for 3,000 days, and this is the only one like it!" " "Hearing this, Wang Xianzhi was completely persuaded.
Since then, he has practiced writing harder. The book saint was very happy to see his son practicing calligraphy hard.
One day, he quietly walked behind his son, suddenly pulled out the pen in his hand, but did not move, so he praised his son and said, "This son is going to be famous again." Wang Xizhi knew that his son had a strong hand in writing, so he began to cultivate him carefully.
Later, Wang Xianzhi really finished eighteen jars of water like his father and became a famous calligrapher. Later, Wang Xianzhi's writing reached the level of penetrating paper and perfection. His ci is juxtaposed with Wang Xizhi and is called "Two Kings".
Wang Xizhi advised his son to study quietly. Wang Xizhi didn't preach to his son, but let Wang Xianzhi gradually understand the endless truth of learning, and set up a rigorous learning attitude from an early age.
Wang Xizhi's godson