When executing the death penalty, it is impossible to ask the opinions of the executed person.
If a country is executing the death penalty, the judge should ask the opinion of the person being executed, and ask cautiously and feebly, "Dear sir (madam), do you agree to be executed?" What a big joke. Few people in the world are willing to be executed by others. Who wants to die in disgrace? Even criminals who are guilty of the most heinous crimes and deserve to die will show infinite attachment to life before being executed.
China's criminal procedure law stipulates that the defendant does not appeal in a case of first instance in which the intermediate people's court sentenced him to death. After review by the Higher People's Court, it shall be submitted to the Supreme People's Court for approval. If the Higher People's Court has any objection to the death penalty, it may send it back for retrial. In the case of first instance where the Higher People's Court sentenced the death penalty, the defendant did not appeal, and in the case of second instance where the death penalty was imposed, it should be reported to the Supreme People's Court for approval. The Supreme People's Court sentenced and approved the death penalty for immediate execution, and the execution order was issued by President the Supreme People's Court. People's courts at lower levels (? One? General? what's up Medium? Level people's court)? After receiving an order from the Supreme People's Court to execute the death penalty, it shall be delivered for execution within seven days.
Before the execution of the death penalty, the people's court shall notify the people's procuratorate at the same level to send personnel to supervise on the spot.
The death penalty is executed by shooting or injection. The death penalty can be executed in the execution ground or in a designated place of detention. The judge directing the execution should identify the criminal, ask him if he has any last words or suicide notes, and then hand them over to the executor for execution. Before the execution, if it is found that there may be errors, the execution shall be suspended and submitted to the Supreme People's Court for ruling. The execution of the death penalty should be announced, not made public. After the death penalty is executed, the on-site clerk shall make a written record. The people's court delivering the execution shall report the execution of the death penalty to the Supreme People's Court. After the execution of the death penalty is completed, the people's court that handed it over for execution shall notify the criminal's family.
It doesn't really matter whether you sign or not.
If we say that the condemned man should sign something before being executed, it means to sign the receipt of the final judgment or ruling, which means that the party concerned has received the judgment or ruling. The court shall file this receipt for future reference. This is a procedure that the court must perform. Please note that this condemned man also needs to sign for it. He can't sign if he wants to, and he can't sign if he doesn't want to.
On the day before the execution of the death penalty, the detention center shall verify the identity of the prisoner, read out the cases and crimes committed by the death penalty prisoner, and read out the verdict to the death penalty prisoner. Then, the final decision to execute the death penalty should be announced to the prisoner. After reading these, you should take photos to verify your identity, then show the prisoner the receipt of the last execution and let the prisoner sign it with a red pen.
Death row inmates are deprived of their political rights, so they have no choice. Of course, it doesn't matter whether they sign or not at this time. This is just a process. Even if they don't sign it, it won't change the result They will pass fingerprint identification. This is not for you to decide. Doesn't mean you won't use the death penalty without signing it. This is impossible, and the way to execute the death penalty is not the choice of death row inmates.
This implementation form is made in duplicate. After the execution of the death penalty, the disposal of the body needs to be taken to the crematorium. You need this executive license to go to the crematorium for cremation. Without this death certificate, crematoriums dare not cremate easily, so this certificate is actually very important. This process is not difficult or complicated. Everything is arranged, so just do it.
The law is serious, it is enforced by the state violence machine. Any individual, even if you are powerful, even if you are a billionaire, is weak in the face of the state violence machine. If anyone wants to oppose the laws of the country, it may only be described by an idiom: a gladiator stops a car.