Wang Xizhi is the nephew of Stuart Wang Dao. When Wang Xizhi was a child, he was not good at talking, and people couldn't see anything superhuman about him. When he grew up, he was very good at arguing and was famous for his honest and frank temperament. His calligraphy is particularly good, and he is the first person since ancient times. People praised his calligraphy style as "floating like a cloud, agile like a dragon". His uncles Wang Dun and Wang Dao attach great importance to him. Ruan Yu, a native of Chen Liu (near Kaifeng, Henan), was a police officer at that time. Ruan Yu also valued Wang Xizhi, and regarded him, Wang Yue and Wang Cheng as the three great talents of the Wang family. On one occasion, Qiu Jian sent his protege to see Wang Dao, hoping to choose a son-in-law among the children of the Wangs. Wang Dao sent people to the East Wing to see the Wangs' children. When his protege came back, he said to Du Jian, "The children in the Wang family are all good, but when they heard that an envoy came, they all looked stiff and unnatural. Only one person sat on the bed in the east, eating with an empty stomach, as if nothing had happened. " Du Jian said, "This is the right husband for me. "Ask, turned out to be wang xizhi. County Jian married his daughter to him.
Xizhi likes taking medicine to nourish her temperament, but she doesn't like being in Beijing. When he first arrived in Zhejiang, he had the ambition to die here. Huiji has beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery and celebrities. Xie An lived here before he became an official. Sun Chuo, Li Chong and others are all famous for their articles. They all have houses here, and they are all in love with Wang Xizhi. Wang Xizhi once hosted a banquet for his good friend Huiji in Yinshan Lanting, and personally prefaced it to show his ambition.
Wang Xizhi was born a sex goose. In Huiji, there was a lonely old lady who kept a goose. That sounds great. He wanted to buy it but couldn't, so he took his relatives and friends to see it. But when the old lady heard that he was coming, she cooked the goose and prepared to entertain him. He was sad all day. At that time, there was a Taoist priest in Yinshan who kept a flock of geese. Wang Xizhi was very happy when he went to see it, and repeatedly begged the Taoist priest to buy his goose. The Taoist priest said to him, "You help me copy the Tao Te Ching, and I'll give you all these geese." Wang Xizhi wrote happily, put the goose in the cage and went back. He was very happy all the way. On another occasion, he went to a student's house and saw that his low wooden table was clean and smooth, so he wrote on it, half in regular script and half in cursive script. Later, the student's father accidentally scraped off these words, and his students regretted it for several days. His calligraphy notes were valued by the world at that time, and there were many such things. Wang Xizhi often calls himself; "My calligraphy is comparable to Zhong You; Compared with Zhang Zhi's cursive script, it is also like a wild goose. " He once wrote: "In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhi learned to write in Linchi, and the pool turned black. If everyone in the world is as addicted to calligraphy as he is, it is not necessarily worse than him. "
Wang Shu, an ancient general of a title of generals in ancient times, was not famous, as famous as Wang Xizhi, but Wang Xizhi looked down on him, so they were at odds. Wang made an internal review. He resigned to mourn because of his mother's death. Wang Xizhi came to visit Wang Shu's house once instead of him, and never came to the door again. Every time Wang Shu heard the bugle call outside, he always thought that Wang Xizhi had come to visit him and quickly swept it away. After a year, Wang Xizhi ignored it, and Wang Shu deeply regretted it. "