1, learn hard pen first, because hard pen is easy to use and practical, which is the greatest help for children at present. Secondly, it takes a long time to learn the practice of soft pen, which has a slow effect on hard pen. Therefore, it is recommended to learn hard pen first, and then learn soft pen.
As far as hard pen is concerned, modern parents send their children to learn hard pen mainly for practical and functional purposes, that is to say, hard pen learning is mainly to solve problems. Scrawled handwriting, different sizes and messy structure are all problems that are easy to occur when children write. However, many parents choose to let their children learn calligraphy from an early age in order to let them write well when they are young and not lose their papers. Another part of the children who began to learn hard pen were asked to take hard pen classes after a series of writing problems appeared.
3. Hard pen learning, if you have a certain understanding of the laws of Chinese characters, you can promote the later learning of soft pen.
4. So, after we analyzed the reasons behind different parents' choices. What we can suggest is that if we just want to mention the function and use of children's roll paper, and the children are just in this primary school or junior high school stage and have some writing problems, I suggest learning hard pen first, because hard pen roll paper is more direct, and if there is a good teacher who is good at guiding, the effect will be quick.