Zhang, the prime minister, is careless and good at cursive writing. At that time, the prime minister was relieved to be laughed at for generations. Get a sentence one day, and write a book with a pen. The paper is full of dragons and snakes, so that my nephew can record it. When the waves were in danger, my nephew stopped in dismay and asked, "What's your message?" The prime minister knew it long ago, but he didn't know it himself. He scolded his nephew and said, "Why didn't you ask earlier? Forget it! "
In order to facilitate writing, after a long process of convention, especially in the period of the transformation from seal script to official script, the popular cursive script has gradually increased and the writing method has gradually unified. After the process of quantitative change to qualitative change, a cursive script with statutes was finally produced, that is, Cao Zhang, which further developed into today's cursive script. In a narrow sense, cursive script refers to Cao Zhang and today's grass.
The drafting method of self-cursive script has basically taken shape, and the established cursive script is both standardized and flexible. Its basic content includes the following three aspects: First, cursive script is a kind of character with omitted strokes and simple structure. Second, cursive script takes stippling as the basic symbol, replacing radicals and a certain part of characters, which is the most symbolic style. Thirdly, the strokes of cursive script are interrelated and echo each other, which is convenient for writing quickly and expressing the writer's feelings.
I hope it can help you solve the problem.