Everyone will die, which mainly describes the deep brotherhood between Wang Ziyou and Wang Zijing. You can look at this allusion.
Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, has seven sons and one daughter, and almost all his children have made achievements in calligraphy. Among them, the fifth son is second only to the seventh son among the Wang brothers. Wang Xianzhi's handwriting is very good, especially his lines and grass. He is known as the "Little Sage" in the history of calligraphy, and is also known as the "Two Kings" with his father.
Wang Huizhi is a well-read and free-spirited young man. He once served in Wen's army. He is untidy and doesn't handle government affairs. Later, he joined the army and served as commander-in-chief of the Confederate Army and cavalry officer of Jiangzhou Secretariat of Huan Chong. Once, Huan Chong asked him, "Which job are you in charge of? Wang Huizhi replied, "It seems to manage horses. "
Huan Chong asked again, "How many horses do you care about? Wang Huizhi replied, "I don't even know horses. How can I know the number of horses! Huan Chong asked again, "How many horses died? Wang Huizhi replied: "I don't know what life is like, how can I know what death is like! "
Wang Huizhi, who has a defiant temperament, can't stand the shackles of various rules of the imperial court. Shortly after he became assistant minister of Huangmen, he gave up his official position and retired to Yin Shan. Wang Huizhi was born to love bamboo and once said, "How can there be no bamboo?" ! After retirement, he personally planted bamboo around his home and played the flute and read bamboo under the bamboo forest every day.
Wang Xianzhi, say a word of respect. When I was a teenager, I was famous and detached. Even if I stayed at home all day, my manners and appearance were not slack, and my free and easy attitude became the highest at that time.
Once, Wang Xianzhi and Wang Huizhi were in the same room. There was a fire at home, so Wang Huizhi ran away before he could put on his shoes. Wang Xianzhi deadpan, looks very calm, slowly call the servant to help him.
One night, Wang Xianzhi was sleeping in the study. The thief came to his house and stole almost everything. Wang Xianzhi said slowly, "Thief, that green carpet was handed down from my family, so you can keep it. The thief was scared away.