At the age of twenty, A Qiu Chi Jian sent someone to Wang Dao's house to choose a son-in-law. At that time, people paid attention to family status, and the door was right. Wang Dao's son and nephew heard that Qiu's family was coming to propose marriage, and they disguised themselves to be selected. Only Wang Xizhi, as if he didn't hear anything, was lying on the bamboo couch in the east, eating sesame cakes in one hand and painting clothes in the other. When people came back, they reported what they saw. So Chi Jian married his daughter Xi Jun to Wang Xizhi. This story has become two allusions of "East Bed" and "Lingtan".
These idioms are not the only ones that appear on him. It is said that on one occasion, he wrote his words on a board and gave them to a sculptor for carving. The man cut the board with a knife, only to find that his handwriting was printed two-thirds deep in the board. This is the origin of the idiom "smart".