What kind of rubbish do pens belong to?

Waste pens are not recyclable and belong to other garbage. Although their main components are plastic or metal, refills and ink capsules contain ink residues, so recycling is of little value. So waste pens are other garbage and should be put in other gray garbage containers.


Pen is a common writing tool for people. It was invented at the beginning of19th century and designed by American Walter Mann. The pen is made of metal, smooth and elastic, and it is quite smooth to write.

Pen is a kind of writing tool with metal body, which can also be said to be a writing tool of western calligraphy. Most pens can hold ink.

At the beginning of the 20th century, American pens were imported into China one after another and distributed in coastal cities, followed by the influx of pens of Conklin, Iverson, Beric, Xifeili, Pike and other brands.