I heard the old calligrapher Mr. Yan Zengrui tell such a story. An old woman passed away. During the funeral, three relatives, six friends, seven aunts and eight aunts, and relatives from all walks of life came. Suddenly, a relative and friend presented a four-character funeral veil. Several people in the counting house thought they had seen it. The gentleman who was worldly and had some ink in his stomach was dumbfounded. The four characters "Cao Cao Meng De" were written on the silk curtain. Everyone started talking, Cao Cao and Cao Mengde were a treacherous, white-faced and treacherous official. Using him to describe our amiable and virtuous old woman was simply a bad change. He should be thrown away and the gift money should be returned to her. He, don't care if he goes away. Others thought it was reasonable, so they clamored to take action against the person who offered condolences. It’s the old Prime Minister who is still taking charge. You guys, it’s time to be impatient. We’ve run into trouble. It’s not that there’s something wrong with someone’s words, but that we don’t have enough knowledge and haven’t seen it before. As soon as he said this, people in the room lowered their heads and became speechless. The old prime minister quickly sent the diligent people on fast horses to ask the old juren from the neighboring village for advice. When Mr. Yan was telling the story, I also had a vague guess. "Cao Cao Meng De", the "Three Character Classic" says: "In the past, Meng's mother chose a neighbor, and her son did not learn, and the opportunity was cut off." The eight achievements of "Meng De" are How to explain Meng’s mother’s character as “Cao Cao”? Puzzled. Mr. Yan went on to say that the old Juren took the four words handed over by the visitor, pondered for a long time, and said: "Ban Chao's sister in the Han Dynasty married to the Cao Mansion and gave birth to a son. Not long after, her husband died young, and Cao Ban took his son to live. She had no money to support her son in studying, so she reluctantly cut off her black hair so that her son could become a talented person; similarly, Meng's mother was a model of teaching her children well. After reporting, everyone in the accounting room understood the rules clearly and admired the profound knowledge of the person who presented the veil. Now it seems that those words with profound meanings can only be hidden in book boxes, and those words that are "famous throughout the ages" and "immortal" can crawl up the wall.