When Tang Xuanzong was young, he was a good emperor who tried to govern the country. He attached great importance to folk life and people's livelihood, and believed that only by developing agriculture well could society become more and more stable. In terms of benefiting people's livelihood, he also attaches great importance to water conservancy, so he often urges local officials to build water conservancy, which can not only intercept floods, but also divert water to farmland for irrigation. Therefore, during his administration, there were few floods and the output of social food was still high.
After the people have had a full meal, the society is stable and the economy is highly developed. During the Kaiyuan period, the supply of materials was rich and varied, and the whole country had the image of wealth.
When the internal society was stable, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty began to strengthen border defense. He issued an order and began to set up some military deployments on the border, while also implementing the system of reclaiming farmland. While constantly recruiting soldiers, we ensured that the border food was sufficient, and the originally barren border was developed, which promoted the economic development of the border.
In addition to political achievements, Tang Xuanzong also made great achievements in literature and art. In calligraphy, he was good at Cao Zhang and Bafen, and he was a famous royal calligrapher in China. In music, he likes pipa and jiegu. After he ascended the throne, he also set up a music workshop in the palace, which also promoted the development of music in the Tang Dynasty. In poetry, his contribution is particularly remarkable. He not only wrote his own excellent poems (known as the first of the ten emperors), but also inspired a number of famous poets in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Meng Haoran and Wang Wei. Tang poetry reached a peak here.