Mastering these 49 common thoughts can make you smarter?

Master these 49 common thinking, and you will become smarter.

Professor Li Shanyou, the founder of Chaos University, said: Adults should learn to use more models instead of remembering more information! Model is the precipitation of predecessors' knowledge and experience, and learning model can make us know a field more quickly and comprehensively! As long as we can master 49 general thinking modes, then we can solve 80% problems in our work and life! Let's take a look at some common thinking patterns!

The first category: time management.

1. Name: four-quadrant time management; Description: Distinguish everything.

2. Name: 20/80 rule; Description: Do the most valuable thing.

3. Name: GTD rule; Description: Get things done.

4. Name: ZTD time rules; Function description: the ultimate simple and efficient system.

5. Name: Lyubyshev Law; Caption: Record your time.

6. Name: pomodoro technique; Description: Time is divided into small units.

7. Name: List Work Method; Function description: Make complex work simple.

The second category: communication thinking mode.

1. Name: johari Window; Feature description: What is the most effective communication?

2. Name: PREP principle; Characteristic description: express your views clearly.

3. Name: star communication rules; Description: The interview shows your personal achievements.

4. Name: Key Communication 7 Principles; Description: How to solve difficult problems without hurting feelings.

5. Name: SCRTV expression; Description: Put ideas into other people's heads.

6. Name: FFC praise method; A simple way to compliment.

7. Name: fire fighting model; Characteristic description: speak with facts.

8. Name: Hook expression rule; Feature description: live speech routine.

9. Name: Ride persuasion mode; Feature description: change other people's decisions.

10. Name: ADISE feedback model; Description: Efficient feedback.

The third category: thinking about management mode.

1. Name: six thinking hats; Functional description: a comprehensive creative thinking tool.

2. Name: 5Why thinking method; Feature description: exploring the essence of the problem.

3. Name: GAF thinking method; Description of features: Comprehensive consideration of various factors.

4. Name: RAD decision-making; Feature description: how to know a thing.

5. Name: MECE rule; Characteristic description: McKinsey thinking.

6. name: DOCA;; ; Feature description: decision quantification.

7. Name: ProACT decision model; Feature description: decision-making process.

8. Name: packing decision; Major key decisions.

9. Name: KT decision-making method; The most famous decision model.

10. Name: U-thinking; Feature description: essential thinking method.

The fourth category: reading thinking mode.

1. Name: Feynman's Law; Characteristic description: the strongest learning method.

2. Name: holistic learning; Description: Knowledge is not isolated.

3. Name: Mao Mu speed reading method; Caption: Read a book quickly.

4. Name: overall reading; Caption: Read a book in 30 minutes.

5. name: RIA post-it method; Feature description: transforming knowledge into ability.

6. Name: Multiple Reading; Description: quickly absorb the essence of a book.

7. Name: SQRRR reading method; Function Description: The fastest reading method recognized by the world.

8. Name: fractional learning method; Characteristic description: comprehensive learning method.

9. Name: Theme reading; Description: Master a subject as soon as possible.

The fifth category: work management mode.

1. Name: 7W job analysis formula; Description: Find suitable subordinates to complete the project.

2. Name: 6W2H worksheet; Description: Three tables improve your work efficiency.

3. Name: WOOP model; Description: Make a practical plan.

4. Name: PDCA cycle; The key to efficient execution.

5. Name: WBS work breakdown; Function description: break down the goal into tasks.

6. Name: its working method; Characteristic description: work should talk about methods.

7. Name: OKR working method; Description: High-performance working method.

8. Name: 5S management principle; Description: Finishing is a set of management processes.

9. Name: decompression tool; Description: A wonderful way to reduce stress in the workplace.

10. Name: POA mobility Description: Improve your execution.

Classification 6: Management by objectives.

1. Name: intelligent principle; Description: Manage your goals effectively.

2. name: MORS rules; Description: All targets can be executed.

3. Name: 6W3H Target Management; Feature description: analyze and refine the target.