The "two kings" are from Shenyang, named Wang Zongfang and Wang Zongwei. They are two brothers. Wang Zongwei is thin and small. He serves in a certain unit of the Air Force and is usually very quiet. Wang Zongfang is tall but skinny and is called "Two Kings". He had been sent to a labor camp and had just been released before the incident. The stolen guns were only three 54s and some bullets, as well as another 54 that the two men snatched from a public security bureau, and nothing else. The reason why he wanted to escape was that the second brother was still very wild after he was released from prison. He wanted to steal property and stole some MSG from a cargo station. After being discovered, he killed the security guards and went into exile. Resistance along the way resulted in the death and injury of more than 20 police officers and civilians. After escaping after the incident, the Chinese public security organs searched for the "two kings" in southern Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Henan. Key provinces organized large-scale investigations and tracking. The two were discovered in Guangchang County, Jiangxi Province on September 13. The local military and police cooperated and killed the "two kings" on September 18, 1983. Later, forensic examination showed that their stomachs were empty.
At this point, the two men have been sneaking around for more than seven months, traveling across half of China, and captured advertisements all over the streets. The usually domineering Chinese public security officers who have been baptized by the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" are not allowed to wear uniforms in public because of the "two kings", and only two of them. It is really a great shame and humiliation for the public security community.