When he was in his teens, Wang Xianzhi thought that his calligraphy was already very good. So he ran to ask his father: "I only need to practice for three more years to reach my current level, right?" Wang Xizhi just smiled and did not answer, while his mother shook her head and said it was still far from enough. Xianzhi then asked if five years would be enough. As a result, his mother was still far away. Xianzhi finally became anxious and asked how long it would take to practice calligraphy. His father walked to the window, pointed to a row of large vats in the yard and said, as long as you put the eighteen people in the yard The water in the big vat will be dyed black, and maybe your calligraphy will be perfected.
So Wang Xianzhi began to practice calligraphy day and night for five years. One day, he brought his masterpiece to his father to see. His father did not answer, but added a little under the character "大" he wrote to make it the character "太". When Xianzhi saw that his father didn't speak, he took the work to his mother in a depressed manner. After looking at it for a long time, his mother said, "My son has been practicing calligraphy for so long, and this is the only thing that looks like your father." When Xianzhi looked at it, his mother pointed at it. That point turned out to be the point that my father had just added. Xianzhi immediately felt very ashamed, so he began to practice calligraphy more diligently. I don't know how long it took, but he finally succeeded in his studies and became a great calligrapher.