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A list of enrollment plans, examination subjects, and timetables for various majors (categories) in China Academy of Art’s undergraduate admissions in 2010 (Planned number of students at Hangzhou Nanshan Campus and Xiangshan Central Campus: 1,295)
Coding Major (Category) Academic plan
Number of students Examination subject one Examination subject two Examination subject three Hangzhou examination center Examination time Wuhan, Changchun, Shijiazhuang examination center Examination time
2.5 hours in the morning
(Full score is 100 points) 3 hours in the afternoon
(Full score is 100 points) 1 hour in the afternoon
(Full score is 60 points)
01 Painting (Chinese painting figures) 4 Year 15 Line Drawing Figure Sketching (Pencil, Half-length) Sketching Avatar Sketching Candidates must register and take the professional exam at the Hangzhou test center on February 25. There will no longer be separate test centers for other test centers.
02 Painting (Chinese Painting Landscape 1) 4 years 8 Landscape Sketch and Landscape Sketch (According to Situation) Calligraphy
03 Painting (Chinese Painting Landscape 2) 4 Years 7 Line Drawing Figure Sketch (pencil, half-length) Sketch, head portrait, sketch from life
04 Painting (Chinese Painting of Flowers and Birds 1) 4 years 8 Flower and bird sketches Flower sketch (line drawing, pencil) Calligraphy
05 Painting (Chinese Painting of Flowers and Birds 2) 4 years 7 Line drawing of figures Sketching (pencil, half-length) Sketching portrait sketching
06 Calligraphy (calligraphy and seal cutting) 4 years 20 Seal cutting [candidates bring their own seal cutting tools] Calligraphy creation in ancient Chinese
China Academy of Art List of enrollment plans, examination subjects, and time for each major (category) in undergraduate enrollment in 2010 (planned number of students at Hangzhou Nanshan Campus and Xiangshan Central Campus: 1,295)
Coding major (category) academic plan
Number of people test subject 1 test subject 2 test subject 3 Hangzhou test center test time Wuhan, Changchun, Shijiazhuang test center test time
2.5 hours in the morning
(full score 100 points) 3 hours in the afternoon
(Full score is 100 points) 1 hour in the afternoon
(Full score is 60 points)
07 Sculpture 5 years 30 Sketching Plaster sketching Sketching figure sketching (including hand bust) ) Sketch February 25 February 28
08 Fine Arts (History) 4 years 20
(Among them: Shandong Province is limited to recruiting 4 students) No professional courses. When registering, you must submit an art appreciation article (no less than 1,500 words) and two photos of your paintings.
09 Fine Arts (Visual Culture) 4 years 20
(Shandong Province is limited to recruiting 4 students)
10 Art Design 4 years 25 Color Writing Sketch, head sketch, February 27, March 2
11 Plastic art painting (oil painting) 4 years 315 Color dictation, sketch, character sketch (including hand bust), sketch February 25, February 28 Japan
Painting (Printmaking)
Painting (Comprehensive Art)
Public*** Art (Public*** Sculpture)
Public *** Art (Landscape Installation)
Public *** Art (Mural)
Public *** Art (Lacquer Painting)
Fine Arts ( Art Education)
Fine Arts (Art Appreciation)
Fine Arts (Public Art Planning and Communication)
China Academy of Art’s 2010 Undergraduate Enrollment List of major (category) enrollment plans, examination subjects, and time (planned number of students at Hangzhou Nanshan Campus and Xiangshan Central Campus: 1,295)
Code major (category) academic plan
Number of students and examination subjects 1. Examination subject 2. Examination subject 3. Hangzhou examination center Examination time Wuhan, Changchun, Shijiazhuang examination center Examination time
2.5 hours in the morning
(Full score is 100 points) 3 hours in the afternoon
(Full score is 100 points) 1 hour in the afternoon
(Full score is 60 points)
12 Design Art Art Design (Graphic Design) 4 years 420 Color dictation sketch Avatar sketch February 27 March 2
Art Design (Dyeing and Weaving Design)
Art Design (Fashion Design)
Art Design (Exhibition Design)
Art Design (Comprehensive Design)
Art Design (Ceramic Design)
Art Design (Glass)
Art Design (Accessories)
Industrial Design (Products and Living)
Industrial Design (Products and Leisure)
Industrial Design (Products and Communication)
Industrial Design (Products and Mobile )
13 Image and Media Art Painting (New Media) 4 years 280 Color Dictation Sketching Avatar Sketching February 26th March 1st
Photography (Photography Art)
p>Radio and television director (film and television commercials)
Animation (illustrations and comics)
Animation (online game art)
Art Design (Multimedia Web Design)
China Academy of Art’s 2010 undergraduate enrollment plan, examination subjects, and timetable for each major (category) (Planned number of students at Hangzhou Nanshan Campus and Xiangshan Central Campus: 1,295 )
Code major (category) Academic plan Number of students Examination subject one Examination subject two Examination subject three Hangzhou examination center Examination time Wuhan, Changchun, Shijiazhuang examination center Examination time
2.5 hours in the morning
(Full score is 100 points) 3 hours in the afternoon
(Full score is 100 points) 1 hour in the afternoon
(Full score is 60 points)
14 Architecture
(5-year system) Architecture (Architectural Art) 5 years 60 Color Dictation Sketching Avatar Sketching February 26, March 1
Architecture (Urban Design)
Architecture (Urban Design)
15 Architecture (4 years) Art Design (Environmental Art) 4 years 60
Landscape (Landscape Design)
China Academy of Art 2010 Undergraduate Enrollment List of enrollment plans, examination subjects, and time for each major (category) (Shanghai Zhangjiang campus planned number of students: 400)
Code major (category) Academic system planned number of students Exam subject 1 Exam subject 2 Exam subject 3 Exam time Zhangjiang Campus contact number:
Postcode: 201203
2.5 hours in the morning
(Full score is 100 points) 3 hours in the afternoon
(Full score is 100 points) 1 hour in the afternoon
(Full score is 60 points)
16 Public Art (Urban Landscape Plastic Art) 4 years 30 Color Dictation Sketch Figure Sketch
(Including hands and half body Image) Sketching March 10
17 Art Design (Visual Communication Design) 4 years 62 Color Dictation Sketching Plaster Sketching March 8
18 Art Design (Dyeing, Weaving and Clothing Design) 4 years 62 March 10
19 Industrial design (industrial styling design) 4 years 92 March 7
20 Art design (architecture and environmental art design) 4 years 92 March 9
21 Art Design (Multimedia and Web Design) 4 years 62 March 8