In this world, there is no boundary between temples and rivers and lakes. Where people are, there is the heart. Although a person has walked through temples and rivers and lakes. Business from the temple, personal relationship is better than rivers and lakes, where you are, you go, right and wrong is no longer. I care about the official corpse, ashamed to perform my duties, and the corpse is full of food all day; Bullying superiors and neglecting subordinates, you will not judge your master and neglect subordinates, and you will be accused. What it does, what it doesn't do, it's a dilemma, and everything is unknown.
Ordinary people live in the world and have their own positions, which can be official titles, workplace levels, family generations and ages. These are well known. Although there are no exact figures, they are all the same.
People have lived in the world for more than 30 years, always rushing for a living, and it is difficult to think deeply. The so-called people who have both ends meet ask themselves that it is difficult to achieve their talents, but they bow their heads and try their best. In terms of feeling, I think that although it is useless to accept the Tao of the universe, it has lessons from my predecessors in my life, so I can accept it humbly and dedicate it to the public.
When I was young, I learned the Book of Changes. I was very modest, like a mountain. Hide the mountain underground, be modest and polite, and use it to build mountains and rivers. 92 words: Qian Ming, Zhen Ji. The last six words: Qian Ming, use the dividing line to levy the city state. Wang Bi's Note: The Doctrine of the Mean, Modesty and Integrity. All six hexagrams are auspicious, and they are the only one of the sixty-four hexagrams. Modesty can respect you. Up to now, because of his modesty, his eldest son is called Qian Ming, his father looks after his son, and his son filial piety serves his father, so he is in the middle, modest and upright.
This is the case with a small family. Everyone is equal, in which everyone is obedient and obedient. For example, a ditch will pass without silt. If the upper part is blocked, the lower part will be dry and heavy. The middle reaches are not guided, it is difficult to control up and down, and the water flow is as usual, so it is difficult to show its merits. It is based on private accumulation, to show its use, to try it and to think about it. Once you read it, you can't understand it, but it's hard to understand. After a long time, the ditch has become a pond, not a whole, one ditch and three ponds. Since then, each side has its own side. If the canal does not exist, the pond will soon die out.
The reason for modesty is not what it means, but that the open way is not suitable for you. The reputation of the public should focus on the overall situation. Although there are differences inside, there must be integration outside. There are specialization, pragmatism, division of labor and cooperation, and there is no doubt about employing people. If you make a mistake, you will see it without scruple, and if you do it improperly, you will not avoid it. Seven feet, bend it with reason, visitors from all directions, bend it with courtesy. It is not just flattery to win over the public, express your ideas and show differences.
After ten years in Lingnan, I don't feel that my diet has become Cantonese cuisine. Only when you change hands five times do you know that temperament affects your career. The diet is easy to eat, and the dregs can be eaten; Spleen is difficult to move, why do you swim in the opposite direction?
Qian Ming took over, never forgetting his original intention; If you offer the highest honor, you should know that you will try your best to live. The five elements are born together, and colleagues cooperate to show their abilities; For example, Tujin, its suitable position has just been born. The five elements coexist, and the position cannot be regarded as everything is difficult; Like fire and water, dislocation is difficult to match.
Shen Yueyan in the Southern Dynasty said: Fu Liao's books are full of respect for morality, and he is a friend of scholars, forgetting the importance of monarch and minister. Although it is the words of the temple, it is also useful to let the rivers and lakes go. People all over the world have their own reasons for pitching, and their actions are considered. If there is evidence of pitch, you can determine your position by observing its position; Do what you want to do, see the road ahead and rule your own road.
Things are impermanent, thinking impermanent, impermanent, impermanent, impermanent, lying, let it be.